what inland delegates want

what inland delegates want

The inclusive and sovereign national dialogue continues at the Palace of January 15 in Ndjamena. Thursday, August 25, the debates focused on the rules of procedure, an important step which will make it possible to determine the establishment of the presidium which will direct the continuation of the work. Among the 1,400 participants, the representatives of the country’s 23 provinces intend to give their voice to the chapter.

With our correspondent in Ndjamena, Aurélie Bazzara-Kibangula

Coming from Logone Occidental, Mbaï Ornan Beramgoto does not miss a minute of the debates. He explains that he participates in the dialogue to demand more justice for his province. “What hurts us in this country is that there is no justice! Sometimes it’s the administrators, it’s the soldiers and others who do everything, and they don’t have freedom, it’s first of all justice”.

Next to him, Mahamat Adam Moustafa represents the youth of the lake. He deplores the lack of support for young people who have left the ranks of Boko Haram. “With the insecurity it is no longer possible to go fishing on the shores of Lake Chad, if we manage to secure it, these young people could get enough to feed their families, this will allow us to prevent them from leave “, he assures RFI.

Adime Alaï came from Kanem to represent breeders. This year, entire herds have died due to drought, he says, and lack of support. “What is important is to revalorize the livestock sector, because 81% of the population of Kanem lives from agriculture and livestock. Giving breeders access to care for their animals during the lean periods, providing them with meal for the cattle, that’s what’s essential. »

All agree on one point: the national dialogue will only be a success if it is, they say, truly sovereign.

Read also : National dialogue in Chad: what are the expectations of the population?
