Summary of More beautiful life episode 4602 of August 24, 2022

Summary of More beautiful life episode 4602 of August 24

In episode 4602 of Plus belle la vie of Wednesday August 24, 2022, Justine may not be sincere with Baptiste. Summary in advance and spoilers.

In episode 4602 of Plus belle la vie of August 24, Emma tries everything to win back Baptiste. She is sure that if she misses him, she misses her life. Taken aback, Baptiste replies that she has no right to tell him that when he is building something with Justine. A little later, pushed by Justine, he sends her a message telling her that they will never get back together. But it is clear that Emma has no intention of letting go. She goes to Justine’s neighborhood and spies on her while she makes a rather suspicious phone call: she tells her interlocutor that she can’t stop thinking about the last time and that she really wants they meet again.

At the same time, Father Luc admits to Mirta that he has been distant because he is afraid of what he feels when they are together, of what could happen if they were alone. Mirta knows very well that their kiss was a mistake but offers him to fight to resist the temptation, it would be a shame to give up everything for a moment of bewilderment. The priest and his faithful therefore meet for a walk and enter a chapel. Yolande, who was thinking of taking Mirta red-handed with her lover, is quite surprised to find that her friend was only praying with Father Luc. She does not suspect the feelings that unite them.

Elsewhere in Marseille, in the episode of Plus belle la vie on Wednesday August 24, seeing Émilie and her boyfriend smooching, Jean-Paul suddenly had a revelation. He remembers that he had already seen Étienne… in the film Naughty girls and their girlfriends ! Étienne is therefore a porn actor! But how to announce it to Emilie? Patrick manages to cook Étienne who ends up confessing everything in front of Émilie. Shocked and disappointed, she does not know if she will be able to accept that her boyfriend sleeps with other girls to pay for his studies.

Finally, in the episode of PBLV broadcast on Wednesday August 24 on France 3, Éric is convinced that Marc is responsible for what happened to Simon, but he learns that he has an alibi: he was at his mother’s when Simon was assaulted. Ariane tells him about the ballistics report and it turns out that the farmer was injured with a 9 millimeter. Éric is distressed and feels guilty, it’s all his fault, he’s the one who bought this weapon and he’s sure that Simon’s neighbor saw him hiding it in the barn.
