Still many calls during the summer

Still many calls during the summer

Published: Just now

full screenMany of the conversations during the summer with Bris are about mental health. Archive image. Photo: Jonas Ekströmer/TT

Last year, the number of calls to Bris increased significantly during the summer, and even during this year’s summer vacation, many children contacted the organization, according to a press release.

Between June 13 and August 14, Bris has had almost 7,400 curative conversations with children, and many of the conversations have been about mental health. 18 and 14 percent of the conversations have been about anxiety and depression, respectively, and according to Bris, many children also have a need during the summer holidays to talk to someone about how they are feeling.

“We also see that the number of calls about not wanting to live has increased slightly this summer compared to previous summers, but it remains to be seen whether this is a development that will last the rest of the year,” says Magnus Jägerskog, general secretary at Bris in the press release.

Family-related problems are another common reason why children contact Bris, and 17 percent of the summer’s calls are about the family, while 10 percent concern family conflicts.
