8 well-known DC characters that have been removed from the fantasy series

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Sandman is one of the best comic adaptations to watch on Netflix. In one important respect, however, the live-action adaptation differs from Neil Gaiman’s legendary comic series. If you’re just watching the series, you might not have noticed that the Sandman actually a part of DC Comics is.

Were for the Netflix series almost all connections to DC severed. The reason seems simple: While the comic story about Dream of the 7 Eternals is embedded in the larger DC universe right at the beginning, the series increasingly detaches itself from it as the story progresses and creates its own narrative world that stands on its own rich mythology and iconic figures.

Locations such as Arkham Asylum have been renamed and DC characters appearing in the comics have been renamed removed from the adaptation or completely changed for it. Here we introduce you to the eight DC characters who appear in the first two Sandman omnibuses, which the Netflix series Sandman adapts.

1st DC character removed from Sandman: John Constantine

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John Constantine

One DC character that’s immediately eye-catching is the deletion John Constantine. After all, the occultist became an expert and demonologist replaced by a new character, whose name sounds quite similar: Johanna Constantine. The character played by Jenna Coleman is not only named after John Constantine’s ancestor, but is essentially a female version of the DC Exorcist. However, the story from the Sandman template remains the same. There, too, Dream enlists Constantine’s help to retrieve his sack of Dream Sand.

2nd DC character removed from Sandman: Doctor Destiny

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John Dee

The creepy psychopath John Dee, who we meet in Sandman (played by David Thewlis), has a slightly different backstory in the DC comics than in the Netflix series. There it is in John the once feared Super villain Doctor Destinywho was stopped by the Justice League and imprisoned in Arkham Asylum. A live-action version of Doctor Destiny previously appeared in the Arrowverse crossover Elseworlds.

3rd DC character removed from Sandman: Etrigan

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In the fourth episode of Sandman, Dream goes down to hell to find his helmet. At the gates of hell, he is met by a demon named Squatterbloat and led through the underworld. While Squatterbloat also occupies the post of goalkeeper in the comic template, Dream becomes there led to Lucifer by a very different DC demon.

In the Netflix series, the ever-rhyming demon comes and Justice League Dark member Etrigan unfortunately not before. Aside from the comics, Etrigan has appeared in several animated DC series and films. A live-action version of the character has not yet been released.

4th DC character removed from Sandman: Scarecrow

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Also the well-known one Batman villain Jonathan Crane aka Scarecrow drop by the Sandman Comics for a little cameo. During his time as an inmate at Arkham, John Dee converses with the creepy psychologist who is also incarcerated there. Neither Scarecrow nor Arkham appear in the Netflix series. In live-action form, Scarecrow has appeared in Christopher Nolan’s Batman trilogy, as well as the Gotham and Titans series.

5th DC character removed from Sandman: Scott Free aka Mister Miracle

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Scott Free

The quest for the red ruby ​​is a little different for Morpheus in the Sandman series than in the comics. There it was red dreamstone namely temporarily owned by the Justice League, which leads the Dream Lord to one Scott Free, whom he questions about the Ruby’s whereabouts. In the world of DC Comics, Scott Free is a superhero from the planet New Genesis who is named Mister Miracle assumes To date, Mister Miracle has not performed live.

6th DC character removed from Sandman: Martian Manhunter

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Martian Manhunter

The meeting between Miracle Man and Morpheus brings another Justice League member into play in the Sandman comic book: Martian Manhunter. Unfortunately, since all Justice League ties were stripped from the plot for the Netflix series, there is no appearance of the Green Martian. Instead, you can see it in live-action form in the Smallville and Supergirl series, as well as in Zack Snyder’s Justice League.

2 more DC characters removed from Sandman: Hector Hall and Fury

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Hector and Lyta Hall

In Netflix’s Sandman, Rose Walker creates herself as a neighbor Lyta Hall (Razane Jammal) in her dreams a sanctuary where she is with her deceased husband Hector (Lloyd Everitt) is reunited. While these two characters are “normal” people in the series, in Neil Gaiman’s comics they have a much stronger connection to the DC cosmos.

So Lyta Hall is in the original die Daughter of Wonder Woman and Steve Trevor. Her husband Hector, on the other hand, is Son of Hawkgirl and Hawkman. After Hector’s death, his consciousness was transported from the nightmares Brute and Glob (replaced by Gault in the Netflix series) to the dream world, where he appeared as a superhero named The Sandman.

Which DC characters would you like to have seen in the Netflix adaptation of Sandman?
