Electricity consumption up by 2.2% in July. It runs photovoltaic

Electricity consumption up by 22 in July It runs photovoltaic

(Finance) – The growth of electricity consumption in Italy continueswhich they reached in July i 31.1 billion kWh up by 2.2% compared to the same month of 2021. This is what emerges from the data disclosed by Ternaas manager of the national transmission grid, from which it emerges that in first seven months one has registered 2.7% growth compared to the corresponding period of 2021 (+ 1.8% the adjusted value).

July had one less working day (21 days) – Terna specifies – and an average monthly temperature about 1.5 ° C higher than in July 2021. seasonally adjusted and corrected data from the opposite effects of calendar and temperature, it is therefore substantially stable (-0.2%). In conjunctural terms, the value of the electricity demand in July, seasonally adjusted and corrected by the effects of calendar and temperature, results in slight decrease compared to June (-0.7%).

At a territorial level and on a trend basis, there was + 1.6% in the North, + 2.6% in the Center and + 3.4% in the South and in the islands.

On the supply side, the demand for Italian electricity was satisfied 84.8% from national productionwhich stands at 26.6 billion kWh, an increase of 1.6%, and for the remaining portion (15.2%) from the balance of energy exchanged with foreign countries. Renewables covered 31.7% of national electricity demand. Production from thermal sources increased (+ 12.1%) e photovoltaic (+ 19.7%), with the latter reaching record values ​​for the month of July (3.5 billion kWh) and representing about 36% of the total renewable generation. On the other hand, production from water (-32.1%), wind (-27.2%) and geothermal (-3.4%) sources decreased. Finally, as regards the import-export balance, the change is equal to + 7.8%, with an increase in imports (+ 6.7%) and a decrease in exports (-14.3%).

The IMCEI index prepared by Terna to summarize the trend of industrial consumption of so-called “energy-intensive” companiesrecord a decrease of 12.3% compared to July 2021. With seasonally adjusted and calendar-corrected data, the index shows a decline of 8.1% compared to the previous month (June 2022). The change only in the chemistry sector was positive.
