Digital Platforms Leave TV Behind!

Digital Platforms Leave TV Behind

Digital platforms, the growing market of our age, surpassed traditional TV for the first time. Especially with the pandemic period, TV series and movie watching platforms, which reached large masses all over the world, surpassed traditional TV as the last quarter of 2022 approached. Netflix etc. TV series and movie viewing platforms were a huge success, surpassing traditional cable TV for the first time.

With the introduction of TV series and movie watching platforms into our lives, traditional TV started to lose blood. THIS is the beginning of a new era. First, after Netflix Amazon and Disney Plus The entry of big companies such as our country to the broadcasting life in our country has left a deep wound on the TV side. According to the latest news HBO Max The company will also enter the broadcasting life in our country. This situation will negatively affect the course of TV.

major researcher around the world Nielsen According to the report published by the company, Netflix and Disney Plus topped the TV market for the first time in July, surpassing traditional cable TV viewers. Viewers averaged weekly during the month of July. 190.9 minutes followed by a great success. Although conditions are better during the ongoing pandemic in 2020, only 169.9 billion minutes watched. The level of TV series and movie watching platforms is really high.

The strange thing is that the number of people watching television in the world still continues at the same level. When we look at the world in general, it is observed that developed countries watch content in the digital environment. This shows us that people don’t stop watching TV, they just change their habits. The biggest reason for this is that smartphones and tablets have taken a big place in our lives. The ability of major platforms to watch offline and watch from any smart device is enough to surpass TV.

traditional tv is gone

Use of platforms such as HULU, Amazon Prime, Disney Plus and HBO Max, especially Netflix. 6.5% We are seeing an increase. Worldwide, 34.8% of people watch TV series and movie watching platforms, while 34.4% watch traditional TV.

HBO Max and Discovery Plus Join Forces!
