S presents plans for more electricity

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— Sweden needs more cheap electricity as quickly as possible. We want to greatly increase electricity production to bring down electricity prices for ordinary people, but also cope with the climate and create jobs, says Damberg at a press meeting together with Energy Minister Khashayar Farmanbar (S).

The plan, which they also present in an article on DN Debate, contains ten points. Several of the party’s ambitions are already known. The article does not mention any new concrete proposed investments or new timed goals.

S wants to greatly expand the offshore wind power. The party points out that Sweden consumes 140TWh of electricity per year and that there are applications to build offshore wind power equivalent to 350TWh.

Nuclear power part of energy mix

Regarding nuclear power, the two ministers write that it is an important part of the Swedish energy mix. Then the conditions for getting good effect from today’s and future’s nuclear power should be good, they state.

S wants to review what measures are needed for Sweden to be able to utilize both existing and future nuclear power.

— Nuclear power is an important part of Swedish electricity production and it will be so for a long time to come. Nuclear power in Sweden must be protected. We Social Democrats are technology optimists, says Mikael Damberg.

No concrete proposals

No concrete proposals for improving the conditions for new or extended nuclear power are mentioned.

The moderates have proposed a “roadmap” for new nuclear power, where it is proposed, among other things, that the state should provide green credit guarantees for new nuclear power and that planable energy types such as nuclear power and hydropower should be compensated for contributing to stability in the energy system.

In the Social Democrats’ “general plan”, it is mentioned that the party wants to see special support for large-scale production of biofuels, as well as demands to install more solar cells on public and commercial buildings.

The party also promises to invest in Swedish production of hydrogen and that a national plan for hydrogen infrastructure is to be drawn up.

“Similar to a war economy”

Another point in the “master plan” is to shorten the permit processes in order to double the pace of expansion of the electricity network, as well as to review the division of electricity price areas.

The party also wants a new broad energy agreement between the parties in the Riksdag.

Furthermore, Damberg emphasizes the importance of cohesion in the EU to resist what he calls Russia’s energy war.

— We are in something that most closely resembles a war economy. We must stick together to break the energy dependence that Europe has from both Putin and the oil sheiks, he says.
