According to British intelligence, Vladimir Putin is losing the information war

According to British intelligence Vladimir Putin is losing the information

According to British intelligence, ” Putin has completely lost the information war in Ukraine and the West “. In a column granted to the magazine The Economistthe director of intelligence services (GCHQ) explains the major failure of Russia in its cyberwar against Ukraine.

With our correspondent in the United Kingdom, Sidonie Gaucher

So far, President Putin has completely lost the information war in Ukraine and the West “. These words are those of Sir Jeremy Fleming, the director of the British intelligence and security agency (GCHQ). He welcomes it, in a column given to the magazine The Economist. But he adds, however: We should not underestimate how Russian disinformation plays out elsewhere in the world “.

No victory in cyberspace

Almost six months after its invasion of Ukraine, Russia, according to him, has failed to gain ground in cyberspace. It used the same disinformation strategies in Syria and the Balkans, and the information services were able to intercept them and act in time.

irresponsible and blind »

Mr. Fleming adds that, “ as with its ground invasion, Russia’s plans appear to have failed. Its use of offensive cyber tools has been irresponsible and indiscriminate “. For his part, the Ukrainian president rules out any peace negotiations without the prior withdrawal of Russian troops.

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