“It would be great if you could end the Games with another gold”

It would be great if you could end the Games

Suomen Peppi Konsteri won the EM gold in the prestigious bowling all-event competition. The championship was secured in the team competition, where Finland finished 7th.

Aino Paloniemi,

Jussi Vainikka

Peppi Konsteri has bowled gold in the all event competition at the European Championships in Denmark. The gold medal was secured after the team competition on Friday.

In the all event competition format, the results of pair, trio and team competition as well as individual competition are taken into account. The combined result forms the point result of the prestigious all-event competition.

Already on Friday morning, Konsteri decided that a result would be made today.

– There was a feeling that now we are going to get that medal, and not give Sweden every first place. We played well as a team today and that certainly helped and took my mind off things, Konsteri said.

Konster won the all event with 5013 points. Sweden took second place Anna Anderssonwho was 35 points behind the Finnish winner.

European Championships with at least three medals

The European championship is the biggest personal achievement of Konster, 18, who made his debut at the adult European Championships. Success in all events is familiar to Konster, as last year he won gold in the same competition format at the European Youth Championships.

Konsteri was surprised by the success brought by the Games, and his expectations were not high before the team competition.

In addition to the individual championship, Konsteri won the bronze in the pair and trio competition at the tournament. Finland finished seventh in the day’s team competition.

“Let’s try to keep up the good work”

– Before the Games, I didn’t know how to set direct goals, and the conditions were quite difficult. The fact that I was able to play a good and consistent game came as a surprise, but I do know that I can make a result when the need arises.

In bowling, the conditions are most affected by the amount of oil applied to the lane and the method of application. The conditions created by the oil and the track determine the balls and throwing speeds used in each competition, Konsteri described.

The European Women’s Bowling Championships continue on Saturday with the Masters competition. The previous Finnish women’s championship came just from the masters, when Krista Pöllänen won European Championship gold in 2010.

– Of course we go there to win, but let’s say that there is nothing left to lose in the games. Everything that comes is a plus, so now we’re trying to keep up the good work.

– It would be great if you could end the Games with yet another gold.
