Health protocol at school: what level will soon be decided?

Health protocol at school what level will soon be decided

Less than two weeks before the start of the school year, the health protocol planned for the school is on the agenda. Among the three grades it provides, the Ministry of National Education had planned, during its presentation at the end of July, to wait 10 days before September 1 to choose its degree of application.

Protocol at school: the level decided 10 days before the start of the school year

[Mise à jour du 19 août 2022 à 9h14] In about ten days, the new school year will take place.. This is exactly the duration that Pap NDiaye had planned, during the presentation of the health protocol planned for the school at the end of last July, to decide what will be its degree of application on September 1st. Indeed, closer to the start of the school year, it is a question of looking at the epidemic situation of the Covid 19 currently in progress, while leaving sufficient time for the teaching teams to set up the level of protocol soon chosen. This health protocol draws lessons from the difficulties of the past year“, explained the Minister of National Education who confirms that a “ten day lead time” will be left to the educational teams all year round in the event of a change in level. Three levels are thus provided for: level 1 corresponds to “moderate vigilance”, level 2 to “increased vigilance” and level 3 to ” very unfavorable development. For the first two levels, all students are welcomed face-to-facein their establishment. Only the 3rd level leaves room for the organization of hybridization in high school, according to the local context and when the configuration of the establishment requires it.

Here is the health framework for the operation of schools, colleges and high schools for the 2022-2023 school year :

What do the three levels of the health protocol correspond to?

  • Level 1 is equivalent to moderate vigilance, reminder and encouragement of barrier gestures, limitation of large gatherings.
  • Level 2 has increased vigilance, the reinforcement of barrier gestures, the adaptation of practical methods in physical education and sports (EPS).
  • Level 3 is equivalent to a very unfavorable development, with a doctrine of reception in high school and the strengthening of restrictive measures (limited physical and sports activities)”have, in fact, explained the unions to AFP.

Will the mask be compulsory at the start of the school year?

The wearing of the mask must be done “in alignment with the general population”, says the Ministry of Education. They are defined by the health authorities. Local measures can be taken by the prefectural authorities, they can concern school space. When required, the mask must provide filtration greater than 90% (“general public” mask formerly falling under category 1 or surgical mask, for example). In short, there is currently no specific rule in the school environment concerning the mask at school or the – antigenic – tests to be able to go there, nor any contact tracing device.

Same thing for the rules concerning contact tracing. Thereby, Covid-19 positive students will have to isolate themselves, but contact case students can continue to go to class, without having to be tested. Indeed, the Ministry of National Education does not intend to continue the campaigns of saliva tests at school. The Ministry of National Education further specifies that “the contact-tracing rules applicable to school are those adopted by the health authorities for adults and children in the general population.”

Will the lessons take place face-to-face or remotely?

It all depends on the current level. At levels 1 and 2, the lessons will all take place face-to-face, in primary, middle and high school. On the other hand, at level 3 of the health protocol, high school students will follow face-to-face and distance courses since hybridization will then be applied.

Sport at school: what measures?

“The rules applied to outdoor physical and sporting activities are simplified. They can take place indoors and outdoors without restriction, at level 1. At level 2, physical education classes take place outdoors. “However, when indoor practice is essential (bad weather, availability of facilities, etc.), it is done respecting a distance adapted to the activity. says the Ministry of National Education. In addition, contact sports are not allowed. Finally, with regard to level 3 of the health protocol, only low intensity activities compatible with distancing are authorized.

What health protocol in the canteen?

For school catering, the mixing of students must be limited by class in the first degree, from level 2 of the health protocol. At level 3, the limitation of mixing between pupils of different groups (groups of classes or level) is required. In the first degree, mixing between pupils of different classes must be avoided during the restoration. This limitation is all the more necessary when the distance between pupils of the same group can hardly be respected (in particular in nursery school).

Ministry of Education © Health protocol in force at the start of the 2022 school year in schools, colleges and high schools

Mixing of students: the measures in force

  • Level 1 / green level: the limitation of mixing between groups of pupils is not compulsory. Large groupings (events bringing together all the students, for example) should be avoided;
  • Level 2 / orange level: the limitation of mixing between pupils of different groups (groups of classes or level) is required. This limitation is all the more necessary when the distance between pupils of the same group can hardly be respected (in particular in nursery school). In addition, the arrival and departure of pupils in the establishment can be spread over time (depending on the number of pupils received, the staff present and the possibilities of adapting school transport). Within the buildings, the movements of pupils must be limited, organized and supervised. It is recommended to assign a room to each class (apart from specialized rooms and workshops). With regard to recreation, they must be organized in groups with respect for barrier gestures. Depending on the needs, recess can be replaced by a break in class.
  • Level 3 / red level : the limitation of mixing between pupils of different groups (groups of classes or level) is required.

In which class do we have to respect the distance?

In kindergarten, distancing is not required between students in the same group (group of classes or levels), whether in enclosed spaces (classroom, corridors, etc.) or in outdoor spaces. In elementary schools, colleges, and high schools, the space is organized in such a way as to maintain the greatest possible distance between students. From level 2 (orange level), physical distance is maintained between students from different groups (groups of classes or levels).
