It was seen in 92 countries, the number of cases exceeded 35 thousand! ‘Almost all men’

Watch out for these signs New epidemic panic statement from

The World Health Organization (WHO) stated in its new statement about monkeypox that the disease is seen in 92 countries. While it was reported that almost all of the cases exceeding 35 thousand were men, it was underlined that 12 people had lost their lives so far.


The World Health Organization (WHO) held a press conference to discuss and inform the public about monkeypox virus, Covid-19 and other global health problems. WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus stated that the monkeypox virus has been seen in 92 countries so far, and the number of cases worldwide has exceeded 35 thousand, and that 12 people have died due to the virus.


Noting that almost all cases of monkeypox virus are men, Ghebreyesus said, “Almost all cases continue to be reported among men who have sex with men. Protecting health and human rights, designing and providing special services and information to these communities remains important for all countries. For all countries. “The primary focus should be to make sure they are prepared for monkeypox and to contain transmission using effective public health tools, including risk reduction measures.”

Stating that vaccines can play an important role in controlling the epidemic, Ghebreyesus said, “There is a high demand for vaccines in many countries. However, at this stage, the data on the supply of vaccines and their effectiveness are limited.” Referring to the unequal vaccine access between countries during the Covid-19 outbreak, Ghebreyesus added, “We are concerned that the unfair access to vaccines we saw during the Covid-19 pandemic will be repeated and the poorest will continue to lag behind,” adding that work is being carried out to rename the monkeypox virus. .


Pointing out that the cases and loss of life have increased rapidly in the last few weeks in the Covid-19 epidemic, Ghebreyesus announced that the deaths reported globally due to Covid-19 increased by 35 percent in the last 4 weeks. Ghebreyesus said, “Just last week, 15,000 people worldwide died due to Covid-19. This is unacceptable as we have all the tools to prevent infections and save lives. We are all sick of this virus and the pandemic. But the virus has not tired of us. Omicron to be the dominant variant. continues, and the BA.5 subvariant represents more than 90 percent of the spread.”

Pointing out that colder weather is approaching in the northern hemisphere and people will spend more time indoors, Ghebreyesus said, “The risks of more intense transmission and hospitalization will increase in the coming months. This applies not only to Covid-19, but also to other diseases, including the flu. But we are not helpless. Please be vaccinated and booster if you haven’t been vaccinated,” he said.

Giving advice to prevent the spread of Covid-19, Ghebreyesus said, “Wear a mask when you can’t keep distance and try to avoid crowds, especially indoors. There is a lot of talk about learning to live with this virus. But we cannot live with 15,000 deaths a week. We cannot live with unequal access to vaccines and other tools. “Learning to live with Covid-19 doesn’t mean we pretend we’re not there. It means we use the tools we have to protect ourselves and protect others.”


Pointing out the food shortage, which is a growing problem especially in African countries, Ghebreyesus said, “Millions of people are now facing hunger in Africa, including Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan and Uganda. Drought, conflict, climate change and increasing “Prices of food, fuel and fertilizer contribute to the lack of access.” “Hunger and malnutrition pose a direct threat to health and also weaken the body’s defenses. It opens the door to diseases such as pneumonia, measles, and cholera. Food insecurity also forces some people to choose between paying for food and healthcare. “This incredible cruelty faced by cholera and more must end. The only solution is peace.”

Reminding the conflicts in the region due to the rebel movements in the Tigray region of Ethiopia, Ghebreyesus said, “There is a man-made disaster in Tigray, a region of Ethiopia with a population of more than 6 million. This affects more than 6 million people. Despite some food being sent to the region, people still need it. He emphasized that at least basic services should be maintained.

Source: UAV
