deployment of security forces to prevent an M62 demonstration

deployment of security forces to prevent an M62 demonstration

The peaceful march followed by a meeting that a civil society collective was planning to organize this Wednesday morning is prohibited in Niamey. The organizers therefore decide to challenge the municipal decree in court, which also confirms the ban. Result: no protesters this morning in the streets of Niamey. Civil society intended to protest against the high cost of living, the presence of Barkhane forces in Niger and the rise in the price of diesel.

With our correspondent in Niamey, Moussa Kaka

By prohibiting the peaceful march followed by the meeting that the M62 was planning to organize, the city of Niamey has equipped itself with all the security means to enforce the municipal decree.

It was in the early morning that all the sensitive squares, the meeting place and the route of the demonstrators were occupied by the police, the police and the national guard. In the streets of Niamey, where the inhabitants go about their business, no crowd of protesters is visible. The M62, which claims to be law-abiding, says it takes note of this court decision and decides to continue the fight in another way.

The movement decides instead of the prohibited demonstration to organize a day of fasting and three days of prayer from Wednesday. According to Abdoulaye Seydou, president of M62, the movement has decided to launch an online petition against the presence of Barkhane forces in Niger, the high cost of living and the increase in the price of diesel at the pump.

Finally, the M62 plans to organize a peaceful march called dignity, on September 18th. By calling on citizens, unions and political parties to a general mobilization, the M62 affirms loud and clear that it will play its part.
