WhatsApp is gearing up for its new “delete messages” feature

WhatsApp is gearing up for its new delete messages feature

WhatsAppcontinues to develop new features. This time, the innovation of deleting messages from which information was received before is on the agenda.

today in details here we place new windows app presenting WhatsApp, For a long time, it allows people to delete sent messages from themselves or from the person they sent. However, there is a common problem in this process. If you accidentally delete a message from yourself while trying to download it, you cannot delete it from the other party. company to change this “Delete From Me” for a system “Back GetDeveloping the ” button. In this way, you will be able to delete a message that you accidentally deleted from yourself by taking it back from the menu that will remain open for a short time. This feature will not work in messages deleted from the other party as far as it is said. So deleted messages cannot be restored. It has been developed for a long time and has recently been released to some beta users. (Android) This useful feature is coming soon, it will be active for everyone soon. can be.

WhatsApp Of course, it also develops other innovations. For example, the company has long been a “Avatar” develops the system. The purpose of this system is to enable people to create their own virtual characters or copies and use them in the application. The company, which plans to use the Avatars created on this infrastructure, even in video calls, as it has just emerged, “Avatar Profile PhotoIt is also developing its infrastructure.


In this way, people will be able to replace their avatars created in the application with their profile photos, where they will be able to determine the background color as they wish. The feature, which will especially like the young people, is not yet certain, but it can be activated for every platform soon.
