Ian Foster remains New Zealand manager


Ian Foster will remain the coach of the All Blacks until the World Cup in France next year, announced Wednesday August 17 New Zealand Rugby (NZR) – the New Zealand federation -, which renewed its confidence in him despite his last poor performance. Relieved, Foster thanked the federation’s board and chief executive Mark Robinson for their ” strong support “. ” It’s a privilege to hold this position, it’s never something you take for granted. “, he underlined. Stewart Mitchell, chairman of New Zealand Rugby, insisted the board still had faith in Foster despite losing three out of the last five games of the year. Foster was under pressure after back-to-back defeats at home to Ireland last month, followed by a heavy loss to South Africa. Sunday, Robinson had thus refused to publicly support Foster, even after the victory of the All Blacks against South Africa the day before in Johannesburg (35-23), for the 2nd day of the Rugby Championship, competition which brings together the four best nations of the southern hemisphere.
