(Finance) – “PNRR, Start-up for school leaders – Implementation of investment lines”: this is the theme of the training workshop by Eurosophy and Udirwhich will be held in Rome next 25 August. He talked about it on President of Udir, Marcello Pacificorecalling that “it is important to register by August 18 to participate in this important free conference offered for school management staff”.
The Workshop – explained the trade unionists – “will take place on 25 August in presence in Rome, with hundreds of executivesbut also with i new hiresto discuss with the Undersecretary of the ministry what they are the intervention strategies and spending lines“.
“There is a lot of talk about commissioner of schools if they do not spend this money, which will be used to redo 100,000 classrooms, equip them with laboratories and therefore go digital. That’s why we will talk about it “, concludes Pacifico.