Summer jobs: contributions, retirement, what are my rights?

Summer jobs contributions retirement what are my rights

Are you experiencing your first contact with the world of work thanks to your summer job? Above all, do not neglect these seasonal jobs, which can already count for your future retirement. Quickly discover the conditions to be met in order to be able to validate your first quarters of retirement.

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Retirement seems a long way off? However, it is already time to prepare it and start validating your first trimesters. Thanks to your summer jobbut also to your traineeship student, you will be able to earn quarters of retirement and thus hope to be able to leave at full rate when the time comes.

Summer jobs: what are my rights?

Before applying for a summer job, it is always good to know your rights. Here is a small summary of the key elements to know.

The legal age to work

If it is possible to work in a summer job from the age of 14, in fact few recruiters call on such a young workforce. Indeed, 14-year-olds are prohibited from carrying out work that could endanger their development, health or safety; they cannot perform night work ; the duration work cannot exceed 35 hours per week and 7 hours per day; they can only work during school holidays, provided that their employment contract includes continuous rest equal to at least half of the total duration of the holidays. Thus over 15 days of school holidays, a 14-year-old can only work seven days. During the summer holidays, his contract cannot exceed one month’s work. For young people aged 14 to 16, the employer must request a hiring permit from the labor inspectorate 15 days before the start date of the contract. Finally, the legal representatives of young people aged 14 to 16 must give their written consent for their child to be able to work.

The minimum salary for a summer job

  • For young people aged 18 or over, the remuneration paid is at least equal to the Smic, or even more with a more advantageous collective agreement. The salary is paid at the end of each month accompanied by a payslip.
  • For young people under the age of 17, the salary will be equal to the minimum wage minus 20%.
  • For young people aged 17 to 18, the salary will be equal to the minimum wage minus 10%.
  • Since 1er August 2022, the gross hourly minimum wage is set at €11.07, i.e. €1,678.95 gross per month, on the basis of 35 hours per week.

Days off

As with everything employment contract, a summer job entitles you to days off. Whether full-time or part-time, the young person summer job acquires 2.5 days of paid leave per month of actual work. If the contract lasts less than a month, the number of days will be calculated in proportion to the number of days worked.

If he cannot take his days off, the young person will receive compensatory compensation for paid leave at the end of his contract, equal to at least 10% of his gross salary.

Summer jobs: how to make them count for your retirement?

Since 1er January 2022, to validate a quarter of retirement, you must have accumulated €1,585.50 gross of income per quarter, within the limit of four quarters per year, from €6,342 of income in the year. Thus, you must earn the equivalent of 150 hourly Smic in the year to be able to validate a quarter of retirement. This amount is to be made over the year, which allows you to work during several holidays and not just during the summer holidays. It is not the duration of work that is taken into account but the level of annual income subject to contributions.

If you earn less than 1,585.50 euros, you will not be able to validate a quarter of retirement but this will still allow you to acquire points for your supplementary pension.

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