In Sudan, more than 50 people died in floods caused by heavy rains

In Sudan more than 50 people died in floods caused

In Sudan, it usually rains heavily between May and October. During this year, the floods have covered more than 8,000 buildings.

Due to floods caused by heavy rains, at least 52 people have died in Sudan, located in northeastern Africa, according to official sources and the state news agency SUNA. In addition, thousands of homes have been damaged or destroyed.

Sudan usually experiences heavy rainfall between May and October, and the country has experienced severe floods every year that destroy property, infrastructure and crops. The floods are usually at their worst during August and September.

– 52 people have died and 25 have been injured due to heavy rains and floods since the start of the rainy season, a spokesman for the National Civil Defense Council of Sudan Abdel Jalil Abdelreheem says.

He did not say when the first deaths from the floods were reported.

According to Abdelreheem, floods have destroyed nearly 5,400 buildings and damaged nearly 2,900 around the country this year. The rains and floods have also damaged other public facilities, shops and farms. The states of North and South Kordofan, Nile and South Darfur have suffered the worst from the floods and rains.

The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) estimated on Monday of this week that around 38,000 people across Sudan have been affected by rains and floods since the rainy season began in May.

Last year, nearly 315,000 people were affected by rains and floods in the country, OCHA reported. According to the news agency AP, more than 80 people died in the floods and heavy rains in Sudan last year and tens of thousands of buildings were flooded.
