As for the two blocs, it is a dead heat, with only 20,000 votes separating them.
The Liberals are also above the barrier with 5.7 percent of voter support. As recently as April, the party was down to 2.4 percent.
The Green Party has at its lowest been down to 2.5 percent. Toivo Sjörén, head of opinion at Sifo, tells SvD that the rise is due to many people understanding that the party needs support votes to survive in the Riksdag and be able to form the basis of government.
Sjörén partially explains that the Liberals are getting increased support by the fact that many people now recognize themselves in the party’s school policy.
The Social Democrats lose slightly and are at 31.2 percent, while the Moderates go up to 20.7. In total, M, SD KD and L have 49 percent, while S, MP, V and C have 48.7 according to Sifo.
The changes in the measurement are not statistically secure. 1,796 people were interviewed on 9–11 August.