Osman Müftüoğlu answered the question that everyone wonders: Lemon water or vinegar water?

Osman Muftuoglu answered the question that everyone wonders Lemon water

There is a fierce competition between apple cider vinegar water and lemon water. There is a big question mark about these two drinks, which are frequently consumed by those who want to lose weight. Wondering which one is more effective. prof. Dr. Osman Müftüoğlu answered this question by sharing a recording of a program he attended on his YouTube channel.

Answering “It doesn’t matter”, Prof. Dr. Osman Müftüoğlu stated that the important thing is to drink water. “The water itself is important. Water with lemon comes before water with vinegar.” replied. He also stated that drinking apple cider vinegar water on an empty stomach may disturb the stomach. “My own principle is to start the day with warm lemon water and continue that way,” he said.



Osman Müftüoğlu explained that water should be enriched as much as possible. “You can drink it by grating tomatoes or adding cucumber slices to the water,” said Müftüoğlu, adding that you can benefit from the rich antioxidant content of your body.
