Pär witnessed a fatal shooting – arranged a CPR course for the victim’s friends

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Karpnäck in southern Stockholm has been hit by two fatal shootings and an attempted murder in a short period of time.

Pär Plüschke, who recently completed a CPR course and realized that young people need to know how to keep a person alive while waiting for an ambulance.

With the help of friends and a trauma nurse, he arranged a workshop in Skarpnäckskyrkan’s gymnasium a week after the murder.

– The hardest thing about the shooting was seeing the despair and pain of his friends. Giving tools to be able to make a difference feels important, says Pär Plüschke.

Many of the people who are shot are involved in criminal circles, what do you think about that?

– Absolutely, that’s how it is. Many may crave drugs but they are so much more than that. They might be someone’s child, someone’s sibling, someone’s parent. You might do some shit, but do you deserve to be killed?

The police resort to a new method

Skarpnäck is not on the police’s list of vulnerable areas, but there are problems with drug sales. After the shootings in the area, the local police prioritized their resources there. This autumn they will start working according to the three-phase method, which aims to increase cooperation between social services, the correctional service and the police. The focus is on mapping prioritized individuals so that the authorities can quickly implement the right measures.

– We have a list of individuals who we believe have affected the situation negatively. There are people who can be instigators, helpers and enablers of the shootings, says municipal police officer Alvaro Torres.
