You don’t like the name of a chat group on WhatsApp? You can very easily modify it, whether you are the administrator or a simple participant.

You dont like the name of a chat group on

You don’t like the name of a chat group on WhatsApp? You can very easily modify it, whether you are the administrator or a simple participant.

On instant messengers like WhatsApp, it is very easy to create discussion groups between relatives (friends and family) or with colleagues, whether to get regular news, to organize a birthday party, a party or an outing, or to follow a professional project. But it is not always easy to find a clear and original name that appeals to everyone at the time of creation. Without even mentioning spelling mistakes or bad taste, you can quickly end up with multiple groups with similar names (Friends…) or inappropriate ones.

Fortunately, in WhatsApp, you can change the name of a group very easily, at any time. Better still, the operation is not reserved for the creator of the group: any member of a group can modify its name in a few seconds, provided that the modification of the information of the group is granted to all the participants in the settings – this is the default option.

How to change the name of a WhatsApp group?

Changing the name of a WhatsApp group is done simply and quickly in the mobile application.

► Launch WhatsApp on your phone and in chats open the group you want to rename.

► In the group chat, tap the three little dots.

► A drop-down menu opens. Select Group Info in the list of options.


► You can also tap directly on the name header, at the very top, to directly access the group information.

► On the group information page, tap the three little dotstop right.


► A drop-down menu opens. Select Change the subject.


► You can now modify the name of the group as you wish, respecting the limit of 25 characters. Press on OK at the bottom of the screen to save the change. And There you go !

