Lost beluga died during transport

What outcome for the beluga lost in the Seine

Despite all the efforts of volunteers, experts, scientists and veterinariansthe beluga lost in the Seine for several days died this morning. It had however been successfully extracted from thelock in which he was trapped. And boarded a refrigerated truck which was to take him to the port of Ouistreham to give him every chance of survival.

During this perilous journey, the state of the beluga has deteriorated. His breathing became difficult. It was insufficiently ventilated. He was in a lot of pain. The veterinarians therefore decided “that it was not relevant to release him” and proceeded to euthanasia.

We still don’t know what ailment the animal was suffering from, which refused to eat following a cessation of its digestive activity. And this, no doubt since well before its entry into the Seine.

Latest news of the beluga lost in the Seine

The authorities had announced it yesterday: a spectacular rescue operation was implemented last night in the hope of finally returning to its environment the beluga lost in the Seine for several days. A first step has been successfully completed.

Article of Nathalie Mayer released on 08/10/2022

The operation was eagerly awaited. It has been carefully defined and prepared by scientists and experts in the marine life. It finally started around 9 p.m. last night. But it was not until around 4 a.m. that the beluga, lost in the Seine for more than a week, was finally extracted from the lock in which he was trapped. The 800-kilo animal – it should weigh some 1,200, in principle – was first placed in a net, a kind of giant hammock. It was then lifted using a crane.

Then, the beluga was placed on a barge which brought it closer to the truck planned to take it to the port of Ouistreham, some 160 kilometers away. A series of extremely risky maneuvers — less all the same than leaving it in soft, warm water, totally unsuitable for belugas — which was successful.

Still steps to go

Despite his worrying state of health, the veterinarians supervising the operation gave their fire green for the transport of the animal in a refrigerated truck to a basin fitted out in a lock in sea ​​side. Throughout the trip, which began this morning around 7:30 a.m., the beluga will be humid. What vets fear for him is simply thecardiac arrest.

If all goes well, the beluga should spend three days there. The time to deepen the examinations and determine what ailment he suffers from. The final objective could then be to heal him before opening the lock so that he can return to the sea on his own. Or to make a new perilous transfer. Out to sea this time.

What outcome for the beluga lost in the Seine?

Yesterday, observers were rather pessimistic. But they continued to search for a way out for the beluga lost in the Seine since last week. And a new hope is perhaps being born…

Article by Nathalie Mayer published on 09/08

Yesterday, the news that came to us from the lock on the Seine, in which a beluga has been trapped since the beginning of the weekend, were not optimistic. Although the animal appeared to be in good shape, it still refused to eat. And the authorities wondered how they could help him.

Initially, the beluga received vitamins and antibiotics. But that hadn’t helped to whet his appetite and hadn’t allowed the experts to ask a question. diagnostic on the disease that seems to affect him. A disease that they would like to be able to cure before even trying to bring the animal back to the sea.

It was in this state of mind that the decision was finally made after an in-depth analysis of the risk-benefit ratio for the beluga lost in the Seine. It must, today, be taken out of the water and be transported to a basin ofsalt water — much more suitable for him — where he will be placed under surveillance. He may also benefit from treatment. If his condition improves, he can then be released back to sea. And hopefully continue his life as a beluga.

Latest news of the beluga lost in the Seine

The beluga whale spotted in the Seine several days ago has still not found its way to freedom. Experts are increasingly pessimistic about the chances of successfully saving it.

Article by Nathalie Mayer published on 08/08/2022

Since this Friday evening, the beluga spotted a few days earlier in the Seine has been trapped in a lock about 70 kilometers from Paris. He got in on his own and seems calm. But his state of health worries more and more. He appears notably very emaciated. All attempts to feed him have indeed failed. Even the vitamin injections and products intended to whet his appetite did nothing.

the beluga refuses to eat. According to observers, it dates back several weeks. Well before, therefore, its entry into the Seine. The result, no doubt, of an as yet undiagnosed disease which undermines the chances of saving the animal.

A difficult rescue

Some also point out that very few rescue operations for lost belugas have so far succeeded. In 2017, an individual was captured in nets in Canada then repatriated by plane and finally transported by truck then brought back by boat from the river — where he got lost — to his natural habitat. It was a happy exception.

Today, the hypothesis of succeeding in helping the lost beluga find its way to the mouth of the Seine seems ruled out. Also discarded, the idea of ​​euthanasia. As long, however, as the beluga continues to be curious and lively. Even if already, the prefecture of Eure plans to let him end his life quietly “like someone very sick”.

Perhaps an operation similar to the one carried out in Canada in 2017 could it be imagined? An operation that would be extremely complex to implement, in particular because belugas with their conscious breathing cannot be put to sleep, at the risk of dying. Especially since she would assume that the beluga was treated before being returned to the sea.

Be that as it may, the first emergency now seems to succeed in getting him out of this lock in which he has settled. A hot water pool 125 meters long and only 25 meters wide. Not at all suitable for this arctic animal of 4 meters.

We must save the beluga lost in the Seine

An orca a few weeks ago and now a beluga. There are really strange things happening in the Seine. And while rescue operations have failed for the orca, the authorities are doing everything they can to put the beluga back on the right track.

Article by Nathalie Mayer published on 05/08/2022

The beluga is a cetacean – a protected species -, a kind of whale, which normally lives in the cold waters of theArctic ocean and in theestuary from Saint Laurent (Canada). Normally. Because it so happens that at the beginning of the week, a beluga was observed swimming in the Seine. Operations coordinated by the prefecture of the Eure department are underway to try to save him.

According to specialists, it can happen that isolated individuals get lost in warmer waters. And they even temporarily survive in fresh water. But this Thursday, the experts dispatched to the site were rather pessimistic. After a meticulous evaluation, the prefecture of Eure evokes a “worrying state of health”. The animal presents “skin alterations and being thinner”. It therefore seems urgent to succeed in feeding the lost beluga. To avoid the sad fate of the killer whale, also lost in the Seine at the beginning of June. She had died of starvation – after, all the same, having taken a bullet in the head…

How did a beluga arrive in the Seine?

Because despite everything, the beluga seems to remain toned. The Cotentin Cetacean Study Group (GEEC) describes an animal that performs long apnea in the waters of the Seine. The sign that his lung capacity is not altered. However, this behavior complicates the task of those who would like to guide it to the mouth. For the time being, the beluga would rather tend to flee the boats.

One hypothesis – which remains to be verified, however – is that sound disturbances are the cause of beluga wandering. Because this cetacean moves thanks to a sonar natural, which could have been deceived by the noise pollution at the mouth of the Seine.

According to the latest news, the lost beluga was crossing between the Poses dam and that of Saint-Pierre-la-Garenne. That is about 70 kilometers northwest of Paris. It is of course advisable to avoid moving to try to approach it.

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