Youth word of the year 2022 suggests twitch terms

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The “Youth Word of the Year 2022” is being sought and this year, too, gaming, twitch and streaming terms are in the selection. Tell us: How many terms do you know?

This is the search for the youth word of the year: The youth word of the year has been sought since 2008 by the Langenscheidt publishing house.

For example, treasures such as “YOLO”, “Smombie”, “fly sein” and, last year, “cringe” have already received awards. “Papatastisch” by the streamer “PapaPlatte” was also up for election, but didn’t get through.

There will be a vote again this year.

Only the top 10 are currently available: One of the following ten terms will be the youth word of the year 2022. Here you will find the terms including the official explanations (via

  • Gomme mode
  • Infinitely strong, invincible
  • SIU(UUU)
  • Shout out when something incredibly good/cool happens
  • smash
  • to start something with someone; from the game “Smash or Pass”
  • wild / wyld
  • Digga / Diggah
  • buddy, boyfriend/girlfriend
  • maker
  • someone who does things without hesitation
  • Bottomless
  • Bad, lousy, unbelievable
  • slay
  • when someone looks confident, acts confident, or does or achieves something spectacular
  • sus
  • suspect, suspicious; from the game “Among Us”
  • Bre / Bro / Brother
  • buddy, boyfriend/girlfriend
  • We look at the exact origin of some of the words below. But first we want to know from you: How many of the terms did you know, how many do you use in everyday language?

    Take part in the survey!


    How much gaming, streaming & twitch is there?

    Anyone who regularly follows streamers on Twitch, YouTube and Co. will have heard one or the other term from the selection.

    In the case of “sus”, for example, the context is even brought directly by Langenscheidt: That prevailed back when Among Us became the big thing on Twitch. Anyone who behaved suspiciously was “suspicious” – or “sus” for short. The word was already up for election in 2021, but could not prevail against “cringe”.

    The “Gommemode” is also related to gaming and goes back to the Minecraft streamer GommeHD. But that was actually a few years ago – as early as 2015 there was a song on YouTube “when the Gommemode angeh”, which took up the topic (via YouTube).

    The term “doer” has also established itself in social media, for example it is increasingly seen in connection with twitch streamer EliasN97. Elias Nerlich is one of the most successful German streamers on Twitch today and has organized professional FIFA tournaments at a high level. He also once referred to Ronaldo as a “doer” – which brings us to the next term.

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    Because the “SIUUUUU” is the sound that Cristiano Ronaldo makes during his well-known celebration. He is also often imitated – which, however, went quite wrong with a YouTuber.

    Ronaldo has nothing directly to do with Twitch, but you can also celebrate in FIFA true to the original – including the SIUUUU.

    The other terms can also be heard from time to time on platforms such as Twitch or YouTube. “Diggah” or “Bro” are pretty common – if not a bit dated compared to the other terms.

    Which ones do you use in everyday life? All? No? Anything in between? Tell us in the comments!
