The EU intends to reduce the compensation for air passengers in case of delays – now you can get compensation of hundreds of euros for a flight of 50

The EU intends to reduce the compensation for air passengers

The airline may have to charge multiple compensation even for a cheap ticket if the flight is delayed or cancelled. The Czech Republic, which holds the EU presidency, plans to bring air passenger compensation to the table at the end of the year.

EU countries are considering cutting compensation for flight delays. It is known that the Czech Republic, which holds the presidency, intends to bring the revision of the compensation rules to the EU’s table during the rest of the year.

Air passengers can currently receive hundreds of euros in compensation for flights delayed by more than three hours or canceled entirely. Depending on the length of the flight, the compensation is 250–600 euros.

The compensation is a lump sum: it is tied to the length of the trip and not to the original price of the flight.

The reform has been stalled for years

Airlines have been complaining about compensation for a long time. Finland tried to promote the reform of the regulation during its presidency three years ago, but the matter did not progress.

Unfortunately, the topic has not been returned to, even though many member states support reforming the compensation system. The need to renew the regulation has been on the agenda for ten years. There is a simple reason for the delay: it is difficult for politicians to push through changes that weaken the position of consumers.

The current compensation amounts were already set by the EU in 2004.

Finland supports reforming the rules of the game. In the discussions, Finnish representatives have pointed out that compensation should be proportional to the price of the trip, but at the same time make it easier to get compensation, for example by lowering the compensation threshold and clarifying the compensation criteria.

– The regulation should be such that passengers know their rights, airlines know their obligations, and passengers do not have to recycle these issues through the authorities, but it should be clear what the passenger is entitled to receive if the flight is delayed or canceled, legislative advisor Riitta Haapasaari says.

Openness to interpretation causes disputes

Now there are “disproportionately many” disputes between passengers and airlines. It is due to the fact that there are several points open to interpretation in the current regulation.

Airlines should not pay compensation if the plane’s delay is due to exceptional circumstances. The difference is how exceptional circumstances are defined.

– For example, in the EU court there are constant, minute questions of interpretation, says Haapasaari.

According to the Consumer Disputes Committee, flight issues are one of the most common topics of disputes brought before the authorities.

Before the corona pandemic, the committee processed more than a thousand complaints related to flight delays or cancellations per year. This year, there have already been more complaints than all of last year combined.

However, the total number of complaints in Finland is clearly higher than this, because according to Finnair’s communications, only “a very small part of compensation claims end up in the Consumer Disputes Board”.

Since the Czech Republic has not yet officially presented any background paper, Finland has not formed a precise position on the changes either.

– In the older negotiations, Finland’s position was that something should be done about the standard compensations. It has been brought up in the discussions that the compensation should be in proportion to the price of the trip, says Haapasaari.

For example, the compensation sums consumers receive for being late on trains and buses are tied to the price of the tickets.

– It would be important that the Czech Republic, during its presidency, promotes the reform of the regulation so that it is in line with other passenger transport legislation, Finnair’s communications manager Suvi Aaltonen comment by email.

The chaos at airports is reflected in the complaints

Airports have been exceptionally crowded and there have been a lot of delays this summer. With the increase in passenger numbers, the amount of feedback received by Finnair has also increased. The processing of feedback is congested in the company.

– Airport congestion and the irregularities caused by it are especially visible in compensation applications regarding, for example, delayed luggage or canceled flights.

“Congestion is the airlines’ own fault”

After the pandemic, in the spring, people rushed to travel and airlines, in turn, encouraged travel in the traditional way – with cheap plane tickets.

It is also reported from the Danish that passengers have demanded more compensation than before this summer. The company’s CEO by Johan Fugmann according to which it is more difficult than before to get compensation from airlines facing financial difficulties. has a subsidiary in Finland that helps customers apply for compensation from airlines for a fee.

– The number of cases has exploded this summer, says Fugmann.

Fugmann fears that reducing compensation would lead to airlines being indifferent. In his opinion, part of the reason for the summer chaos at the airports lies in the companies themselves: they have sold tickets enthusiastically, but then leave half-sold flights unflyed.

Has your flight been delayed? You can discuss the topic from Wednesday evening, August 10. until 11 p.m.
