Taiwan started its own military exercises in response to China – Foreign Minister Wu: China is preparing to attack Taiwan

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According to Taiwan’s foreign minister, China has been preparing its latest military exercise for a long time, as cyber attacks and misinformation campaigns could not have been created so quickly out of thin air.

China’s air and naval drills around Taiwan island are China’s ‘preparation for attack’, says Taiwan’s foreign minister Joseph Wu at a press conference on Tuesday.

Taiwan’s foreign minister also said that China seeks to control the East and South China Seas through the Taiwan Strait.

Taiwan began military exercises to test its combat readiness in response to ongoing Chinese exercises that have included launching missiles into waters off the island of 23 million people. Taiwan says it is training to repel an attack from the sea.

According to Wu, China is looking for excuses to start military exercises, and the latest excuse is the Speaker of the US House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi visit to Taiwan last week.

– China has used exercises to prepare for an attack on Taiwan. It conducts large-scale military exercises and missile launches, as well as cyber attacks, disinformation campaigns and economic coercion to try to undermine public morale in Taiwan, Wu said.

Wu: China prepared this for a long time

According to Joseph Wu, China has been preparing its latest military exercise for a long time, because cyber attacks and misinformation campaigns could not have been created so quickly out of nowhere.

According to the foreign minister, China’s ultimate goal is to finally join Taiwan to China. Wu also added that China’s military exercises around the island of Taiwan are a flagrant violation of international law.

Since Thursday last week, China has sent warships and aircraft across the center line of the Taiwan Strait and launched missiles into the waters surrounding the island. The drills were supposed to end on Sunday, but China has continued without announcing when they will end.

China considers Taiwan a rebel province. It has repeatedly commented that the military exercises are part of China’s internal politics, and therefore the international community should not interfere.

Biden does not believe that China will take more aggressive actions than this

President of the United States Joe Biden commented on China’s military exercises for the first time to the media on Monday in Delaware.

Biden said he was a little worried about how much China has moved around Taiwan.

– I don’t think that China is going to do anything more than this.

Asked by the reporter whether Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan was reasonable, Biden did not comment.

– It was his decision.

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