The third edition of Vildsvinsnatta gave 33 wild boars to the care for the elderly and the school

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However, not all municipalities receive wild boar meat donated to them. To get it, you had to register, something that Nyköping, Strängnäs, Gnesta, Trosa, Katrineholm and Flen had done. These all received 60 kilos of meat each, which goes to elderly care and school. Charlotte Prennfors, vice-chairman of the Södermanland Hunters’ Association, thinks it is sad that not all municipalities are involved and partake of the meat that is donated.

– It’s a shame when the meat is donated. It is important that school children get to try venison. Not everyone has access to it otherwise. Then for our elders, there are probably many of them who have eaten a lot of venison and appreciate it enormously, she says.

Launch aid and meat

The basic idea behind Vildsvinsnatta is twofold. On the one hand, they want to help agriculture with shooting aid, as the wild boar damages many people’s farms. But they also want to show what an asset the meat is.

– They do harm to the farmers. All respect to those who get a lot destroyed. But it becomes easy when you hear a lot about all the sattyg they make, then people get a negative image. In terms of food, they are a great asset, says Charlotte Prennfors, who is also an opposition councilor in Vingåker for the moderates.
