After the accident in Viksjö – some wind turbines have been started up

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It was on July 16 that a wind turbine in the park broke in half and collapsed, just a few weeks after the inauguration. The entire park then stood still as a result of the accident, but last week some wind turbines started to start up.

– Most likely, it is an isolated error on this particular turbine that caused this, says Per Nordlund.

The final cause may be delayed

The main part of the investigation is held by the turbine supplier Nordex, but RWE, which handles operation and maintenance, and an independent technical expert have also been involved. According to Per Nordlund, it may take upwards of a few weeks before the final cause can be determined.

– It cannot be done before all the scrap has been removed from the forest and it is a complicated job, he says.

It is also only then that the cleanup of the oil that has leaked out can be completed. But how much oil is involved is not known at the moment.

Hear Per Nordlund tell more in the clip above.
