Throw it away now: it quadruples liver cancer! They’re killing, they’re everywhere

Throw it away now it quadruples liver cancer Theyre killing

It turned out that kitchen utensils containing Forever chemicals, which are translated into our language as permanent chemicals, are deadly. Items manufactured using persistent chemical products were found to increase liver risk fourfold. It turned out that this probability was more than 4.5 times in those who used it more frequently.


The results of studies on persistent chemicals in recent years have caused concern. These chemicals, also known as persistent organic pollutants; Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) are chemicals that can stay in nature for a long time, are transported over long distances, accumulate in adipose tissue, and also pose a high risk to the environment and human health.

As a result of their chemical properties, these chemicals, whose traces can be found not only in the place where they are produced, but also in places that are never produced or even used, are known as dangerous substances not only nationally but also globally. POPs are hazardous chemicals that occur unintentionally (unintentionally) as a result of conventionally produced pesticides, industrial chemicals and industrial activities.



Researchers at the University of Southern California (USC) in Los Angeles who conducted the research; warns that these chemicals are everywhere. From non-stick cookware to tap water to seafood, waterproof clothing, cleaning products and even shampoo, chemicals are ubiquitous and need to be careful.

Experts fear that due to carelessness, many people are overexposed to these products and will face significant health problems in the future.
