The FS Group arrives on TikTok

FS Group Ferraris verify new financing methods for transport infrastructures

(Finance) – The new challenges of the Industrial Plan of FS Group explain with a language innovative on social network most loved by the new generations: TikTok. The Group led by the CEO Luigi Ferraris is a pioneer on the platform among the great Italian industrial realities and tells its “Tempo Nuovo” with a native TikTok style. An increasingly global and interconnected digital community with which the FS Group intends to share the actions taken to build a green future for the country.

On TikTok, as stated on, the FS Group will tell about its commitment to the implementation of the PNRR and for sustainability, a value towards which the younger generations are particularly sensitive. TikTok is in fact considered the House of sustainability: 67% of users, according to what is disseminated by the social network, are “Green Conscious“, interested in sustainable lifestyles and reducing the impact of emissions on the environment. 65% of users believe in companies that operate in a sustainable and ethical way.

The big sensitivity towards safeguarding the Planet, Generations Z and Millennials have in common, the same ones that populate the social network, given that, according to the estimates provided by TikTok, 66% of its users are under 30 years old and most are included in the between 16 and 24. A target with whom to dialogue and compare, consistent with the commitment of the FS Group towards a tourism sweet and sustainable, with cities increasingly on a human scale and one mobility intermodal zero impact, with an open approach to innovation and digitalization, seen as enabling factors of the new ten-year Business Plan.

The debut of the @ accountgruppofs on TikTok happens today with the launch of a welcome video which proposes the #Untemponuovo institutional campaign and the Industrial Plan in native style with a focus on the 4 new business poles: Infrastructure, Passengers, Urban and Logistics.
