Do you know how to decipher the mood of cats? Take the test

Do you know how to decipher the mood of cats

Studies on our ability to communicate with dogs are numerous. Those who are interested in the language of cats are much rarer. Here, researchers wondered how well we were able to read their moods on their faces. An ability that is not given to everyone.

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[Article initialement publié en 2017]

It is generally accepted that understand your dog is relatively easy. The moods of our cats, on the other hand, have a reputation for being difficult to pin down. And researchers from theuniversity of guelph (Canada) confirm today that beyond the purr of contentment and ears slapped back in anger, deciphering the subtle expressions of a cat’s face is almost a feat.

Yet some people — more like women and people with experience veterinary — show themselves to be particularly gifted in matter. Researchers call them “cat whisperers”. And they imagine the skill — important to cats’ well-being and bonding with their owners — could be taught to others.

The basis for their conclusions: a study of 6,300 volunteers from 85 countries who were asked to give their opinion after watching short cat videos on line. Until then, the only similar studies — researchers at the University of Guelph found only one, in fact — had assessed expressions of pain. Here is a wider spectrum of emotions that was explored, including fear and frustration as well as positive emotions.

Few of ” cat whisperers »

The participants judged the test difficult and they obtained an average score of 12/20. While they were asked no more than to judge whether the cat’s expression was positive or negative. Those that researchers categorize as “cat whisperers”— 13% of volunteers — scored 15 or higher.

They are more generally women. This seems consistent with the results of other studies which show that women more easily decipher non-verbal expressions of emotions only men. Both in humans and in dogs. And therefore also in the cat. On the other hand, cat lovers do not seem to be able to understand them better. While those who have veterinary experience seem to have taken the opportunity to progress in this area.

“It shows that cats have things to tell us. Their moods are certainly difficult to pin down, but not completely inscrutable. , says Georgia Mason, a biologist at the University of Guelph. It now remains for researchers to understand what the “cat whisperers”see that ordinary mortals do not see!

And you, do you know how to decipher the mood of cats? Ready to take the test?

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