Lack of crayfish in the grocery stores: The disc under threat

Lack of crayfish in the grocery stores The disc under

Published: Just now

This year is an unusually bad cancer year and it can be a hot mess about the delicacy.

Mainly it has to do with the warm weather.

– We have had a slightly poorer supply of crayfish this year, compared to usual years, says Johanna Eurén at Willys.

The cancer premiere is a holiday for many Swedes. But this year it may be more difficult to get hold of the small animals.

This is mainly due to the strong heat that affected the regions around the Mediterranean Sea.

The crayfish become stressed by the heat and harder to catch.

– When it gets warm in the water, above 25 degrees, the crayfish go out into deep water to simply cool down, says Tom Arnbom, expert on oceans and species at WWF.

Johanna Eurén, communications manager at Willys, confirms that access is worse this year.

– We could probably have sold more. But there is nothing we can do about it, it is the way it is, she says.

Now there may be a shortage of crayfish and perhaps not enough for all customers.

– It can be a little first-come, first-served, says Johanna Eurén, but adds that she hopes that no one will have to cancel their planned cancer screening.

full screen The cancer disc is threatened this year. Photo: CHRISTINE OLSSON / TT
