Twice as expensive – and more difficult to sign fixed electricity contracts

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In southern Sweden, electricity can be twice as expensive this winter. And for those who want electricity at a fixed price, it is both significantly more expensive and more difficult than last year to get an agreement.

The electricity market predicts a very expensive winter for residents in southern Sweden. And because of the volatile prices and uncertainty in the electricity market, there are now fewer companies that offer electricity at a fixed price.

Fewer fixed contracts

According to the Energy Market Inspection (EI), home owners in southern Sweden had 270 fixed contracts to choose from in June 2021. In June this year, the number of offers had decreased to 93. A reduction of just over 65 percent. The number of fixed-price agreements has also decreased drastically throughout Sweden – in June this year, households had an average of 54 percent fewer fixed-price agreements to choose from, compared to June 2021.

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