Tens of thousands of tourists stuck in lockdown on “China’s Hawaii”

Tens of thousands of tourists stuck in lockdown on Chinas

Published: Less than 20 min ago

A corona outbreak has caused China to shut down the popular resort of Sanya.

It affects 80,000 tourists who are not allowed to leave the area until they can show five negative corona tests – in seven days.

The city began the shutdown on Saturday morning when people’s movements began to be restricted and all public transport shut down.

According to CNN took off 80 percent of the planned flight departures on Saturday, while all train departures were cancelled.

There are 827 people who have tested positive for covid-19 in the city between the first and the sixth of August.

“China’s Hawaii”

Sanya is located on Hainan Island, which is known for its tropical weather and sandy beaches and is therefore called “China’s Hawaii”.

There are 800,000 people living in the metropolitan area around Sanya.

It is the city’s vice mayor He Shigang who stated that 80,000 tourists are on the island and that they are not allowed to leave until they have tested negative five times.

According to VG, the tourists who are forced to remain on the island only need to pay half the price for their forced extra hotel nights.

The nationality of the stranded tourists is for the time being unclear.

fullscreenSanya. Photo: Emmanuel Wong/Getty Images
full screen People are asked to keep their distance in the queue for the testing at the tourist resort. Photo: Zhao Yingquan/AP
full screen Tourists are waiting to test themselves in the resort of Sanya. Photo: Guo Cheng/AP
