Why Video Games Won’t Save Netflix

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Netflix’s gaming offer is not very successful. Less than 1% of its subscribers play it.

Have you ever played any of the games offered with your Netflix subscription? Like 99% of platform subscribers, probably not. And the new titles recently added by the streaming giant to its catalog do not seem to change anything. This is in any case what reports a study conducted by Apptopia. The company specializing in statistical data for applications tells us that the various games offered in the Netflix catalog have only been downloaded 23.3 million times and have an average of only 1.7 million active users. daily. Relatively low figures reported to some 221 million subscribers. In total, less than 1% of Netflix subscribers are interested in games on the platform.

The games will not be enough to stop the bleeding

For several months now, Netflix has been the victim of a certain lack of love from subscribers. The platform which had so far seen steady growth has, for the first time in ten years, lost subscribers. For Netflix, this loss is mainly due to the sharing of accounts between users. The streaming giant has also set out to fight the scourge responsible for all its ills and is exploring several ways to do so. The first would be to charge users to add an “extra home” to their account.

The second would be to add a new offer to its catalog, less expensive and partly financed by advertising. Unfortunately, this lower price would result in a discount offer, Netflix having indicated that it would offer less content than a classic offer.

By launching its gaming offer last November, Netflix hoped to attract a new audience and no doubt keep some of its users captive. Currently, Netflix allows you to play 23 titles, some of which are directly inspired by its hit series like Stranger Things, without advertising and at no additional cost. But the platform, which intends to double its gaming offer by the end of the year, will find its salvation neither in an extensive catalog of games, nor by charging for account sharing. The service will only be able to stem this bleeding by simplifying its offer (the platform, which is one of the only ones to charge more for streaming in 4K) and by limiting the increases. Since 2014, the price of the Premium offer has increased by 50% since 2014.

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