MEF-State Property Agreement for the construction of a photovoltaic system at the Palazzo delle Finanze

MEF a new 5 year BTP will be offered in the

(Finance) – The Ministry of Economy and Finance and theState Property Agency have signed an agreement for the construction of an integrated system of photovoltaic panels at the Palazzo delle Finanze in via Venti Settembre.

There Conventionsigned by the Head of the Department of General Administration, Personnel and Services of the Ministry, Valeria Vaccaro, and by the Director General of the State Property, Alessandra dal Verme, provides that the Agency will perform the functions of contracting station for the Ministry also through models of long-term cooperation allowed by the institute of Public Private Partnershipin particular with the activation of procedures project financing. Reversible and minimally invasive technologies will be used, aimed at guaranteeing the environmental sustainability and architectural quality of the building, also taking into account the historical-artistic constraint existing on it.

L’clean energy and sustainable energy produced in this way will make it possible to achieve, at start-up, a reduction of at least 17% of the electricity taken from the grid for the main office of the Ministry, generating cost savings and favoring a significant reduction in carbon dioxide emissions, estimated at around 780 tons per year. The Convention provides for the possibility of proceeding with further evolutions and developments to increase the renewable energy produced.

The making of a photovoltaic system integrated in the Palazzo delle Finanze constitutes the first case of application, among the central Public Administrations, of the rule introduced with the DL “Power“N. 17 of 2022, which allows the installation of solar systems without the need to acquire permits, authorizations or prior consent documents. The initiative therefore takes on the character of a pilot project, aimed at identifying best practice replicable in order to accelerate the transformation process in terms of environmental and technological sustainability of public buildings.

This is a concrete example of the Government’s commitment, in line with the National Recovery and Resilience Plan and with the European plan REPowerEU for the transition greenin implementing a vast program to accelerate the use of renewable sources to tackle the climate crisis and support economic recovery by reducing energy dependence on fossil fuels.
