Auto, Motus-E: “Revise incentives in favor of electric power”

Arena of the Future induction charging ready for commercial developments

(Finance) – “We had already predicted months ago that the incentives in favor of electric cars would not work and we had made the Ministry of Economic Development a participant in this forecast”. That’s what he said Francesco Naso, general secretary of Motus-E, the association representing the stakeholders of electric mobility.

“Now we are also learning about the proposal to move the incentives for electric mobility to other sectors, such as diesel. What does not agree with us – he continued Nose – is the fact that with a series of corrections, already exposed at the time, it could really restart electric mobility in Italy. For example, opening up to the sector, which has always been relevant for sales and registrations, of company fleets, strangely excluded from the current forms of incentives (which would guarantee a quality used vehicle); or by raising the limit price for electricity, now set at 35 thousand euros. These are useful corrections so that incentives can really affect and work. In fact, in all European countries electric mobility is growing and only in Italy are we going backwards, due to a series of difficulties in using the incentives that we promptly denounced a few months ago, together with other sector organizations. Among other things, only two months have passed since the introduction of incentives for electric cars and it is premature to sum up at this time of a strategy created to ensure the gradualness of spending. Finally, among the proposals illustrated by the Minister of Economic Development, we look favorably on both a strengthening of the strategies for installing private columns in condominiums, and an improvement in the conditions of those who want to access incentives by buying diesel cars. But this strategy works and produces results for the country if all sectors are favored with clarity and planning “.
