Inflation compensation: 100 euros paid by Caf to 3 million people

Inflation compensation 100 euros paid by Caf to 3 million

As of January 20, Caf pays inflation compensation in the amount of 100 euros to 3 million people affected by this exceptional aid.

As of this Thursday, January 20, the Caf pays inflation compensation to 3 million people inactive, who will therefore receive a exceptional aid of 100 euros. Are concerned: beneficiaries who received last October the Rsa, theallowance for disabled adults, the Solidarity Income paid in the Overseas Territories, or the shared child education benefit at the full rate. This aid is also provided for the 556,000 non-scholarship students who receive housing assistance. The Caf reminds that there is no procedure to take since the payment is automatic. This aid is also tax-exempt, which means that it is not necessary to declare it in the declaration of resources. “Please note, if the recipients carry out an activity in parallel, or are in another situation (employee, pensioner, scholarship student, self-employed worker), the inflation allowance is paid by the employer or another body” specifies the Caf in a press release of January 20.

What is the amount of inflation compensation?

Inflation compensation in the amount of 100 euros concerns 38 million French people.

Conditions: who can benefit from the inflation allowance?

  • The inflation allowance concerns all French people who earn less than 2000 euros net per month. “The only condition is a means test” said Jean Castex this October 21 on the set of TF1.
  • For the self-employed (excluding self-employed). They must have been in activity during October 2021 and have declared an activity income of less than 2,000 euros net per month for the year 2020. “This income corresponds to the professional income declared for the year 2020 for the calculation of contributions and social contributions”, specifies Urssaf which made the first payments on December 16, automatically, by bank transfer.
  • The self-employed must have been in business during the month of October 2021 and have achieved between January 1, 2021 and September 30, 2021 a turnover or revenue at least equal to 900 euros (i.e. an average of 100 euros per month of turnover business) without exceeding an average income of 2,000 euros net per month. Taking into account the application of tax deductions according to the nature of the activity, this corresponds to a figure of 4,000 euros for artisans; 6,897 euros for traders; 3,030 euros for the liberal professions. 700,000 beneficiaries will receive inflation compensation from December 23. To collect the 100 euros, you must enter your bank details on theUrssaf for the self-employed or on the website of auto-entrepreneurs depending on your status.
  • Are you nannies? Home workers employed by private individuals will be compensated on December 20, for those who have completed their bank details before December 16, otherwise they will be compensated in January. In addition, the payment will take place in January 2022 for individuals declared by authorized structures. Employees of private employers are invited to fill in their bank details on the site. Where
  • All employees in the private and public sector, The payment of the inflation allowance will be paid by the employers at the same time as their December salary (unless it is practically impossible) and no later than February 28, 2022.
  • For artist-authors and for eligible self-employed sailors, the aid will be paid by Urssaf in January and February 2022.
  • Retirees
  • job seekers
  • Scholarship students and students who are financially independent of their parents. In total, two thirds of French students are eligible. Students who already benefit from allowances will also be able to receive the inflation allowance.
  • RSA recipients will also be able to receive this aid of 100 euros, just like the unemployed who receive less than 2000 euros net per month.

Inflation compensation: when will it be paid?

Scholarship studentsfrom December 13, 2021
Self-employedDecember 16, 2021
Auto-entrepreneursfrom December 23, 2021
Employed at home by individualsDecember 20, 2021
Private sector employeesend of December, no later than February 28, 2022
Public sector employeesno later than January
Artists authors and non-salaried sailorsJanuary and February 2022
Retiredin February 2022

Inflation and retirement compensation: which pensions?

The government has clarified the conditions for the payment of inflation compensation for retirees. “The inflation allowance will be paid to the beneficiaries of the minimum old age or a retirement pension of less than 2,000 euros net per month residing in France, and who were not working in October”. To calculate income, “the assessment of resources will be made on the basis of the amount of basic and supplementary retirement pensions (eg AGIRC-ARRCO), including survivors’ pensions. Eligibility for this allowance will be assessed on an individual basis, by retiree”, specifies a press release dated November 3. As for the amount of pensions, it will be established on the basis of the October 2021 pension.

Can couples each receive 100 euros?

Yes. The inflation allowance is an individual aid. This means that within a couple, if the two people receive less than 2000 euros net per month, 200 euros will be paid in total. If you receive 3500 euros together but one wins 1800 and the other 1700, you can therefore each receive 100 euros.

What salary will be taken into account for the inflation allowance?

To find out if you are entitled to it, “it is the salary in force at the moment of the measurement”, specifies Le Figaro. It is therefore “salary for october 2021 which will serve as a basis for companies to determine which employees are eligible”.

Should steps be taken?

No action is necessary to benefit from this new measure but the organizations concerned such as Urssaf must be in possession of the bank details of eligible persons. The 100 euros are paid directly by employers to their employees, by Urssaf for the self-employed, by the pension fund for retirees and by Pôle emploi for the unemployed. The payment dates may nevertheless differ, especially if your bank details have not been entered in time. Thus, self-employed workers and eligible auto-entrepreneurs who have not yet sent their bank details can do so now in order to receive the compensation “by the beginning of February”, specified Urssaf.
