Superbonus 110%, Enea: the expected deductions are close to 44 billion

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(Finance) – AENEAS has published updated data as of 31 July 2022 on the use of Super bonus 110%or the deduction to the extent of 110% of the expenses incurred for a series of interventions energy efficiently on houses and condominiums. The declarations reached 223,951, for one total investments allowed as a deduction beyond 39.7 billion euros and a total investments for completed works admitted as deductions of over € 28.1 billion (equal to approximately 70.9%).

The deductions expected at the end of the works therefore rise to 43.7 billion euroswhile the deductions accrued for the completed works they reached almost 31 billion euros.

The sworn statements condominiums there were 33,318, for a total of condominium investments equal to 19.3 billion euros and condominium works completed equal to 12.2 billion euros (66.7%). The declarations for single-family buildings there were 121,925, for a total investment in single-family buildings of € 13.7 billion and a total work in single-family buildings of € 10 billion (73.4%). There were 68,703 certifications for functionally independent real estate units, with the total investments in independent real estate units amounting to 6.6 billion euros and works in independent real estate units realized at € 5.1 billion (77.8%).

L’average investment for condominiums it is € 581,793.65, that for single-family buildings of € 112,588.13 and that for functionally independent real estate units of € 96,643.70.

THE condominiums accounts for 14.9% of the total buildings admitted as deductions, buildings single family for 54.4% and functionally independent real estate units for 30.7%.

TO level of investmentcondominiums account for 48.8%, single-family buildings for 34.5% and functionally independent real estate units for 16.7%.
