Oil spill in northwestern Skåne – the public is warned

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The Coast Guard is en route to the area.

– We have units on the way. As soon as it gets light, they should see if there is oil out at sea, says Martin Martini, command center officer at the Coast Guard to SVT Nyheter.

At first, the release appeared to be limited to oil that washed ashore on a strip of beach in Viken south of Höganäs, but during Saturday evening the rescue service received calls from private individuals who discovered oil in several places.

Therefore, a VMA, an important notice to the public, was issued with a warning for a barely 15 kilometer stretch of coast from Hittarp in the south to Höganäs in the north.

– The discharge has been confirmed from Domsten to Viken. We have added a little extra because we know that during the night the wind can change and there are currents that can carry the oil in different directions, says Jonas Hemert, interior commander at the north-west Skåne rescue service.

It is unclear what type of oil it is. According to Hemert, it is probably crude oil.
