END OF COVID MEASURES. The state of health emergency has ended in France since August 1. Health pass, in the hospital, wearing a mask, travel… What are the health measures that are no longer in force? Which are maintained?
[Mise à jour le 5 août 2022 à 12h10] The circulation of the Covid (the sub-variant BA.5 d’Omicron remains the majority in France) continues to decline on the national territory. The state of health emergency allowing restrictions to be imposed by decree to combat the coronavirus epidemic ended on 1st of August. What sounds the end of exceptional health measures against Covid-19 like the sanitary pass Where the obligation to wear a mask. In addition to these exceptional measures, the bill distinguishes two cases, for which the government may, until March 31, 2023, require people over the age of 12 to present a negative Covid test (travel health certificate). Hospital health pass, mask, 4th dose, contact cases, travel… We take stock of health measures in France.
End of measures in France: which ones?
To date, the government calls for caution, a reinforcement barrier gestures and anti-Covid vaccinationbut it does not require coercive measures. On Tuesday July 26, 2022, following a final vote by the Senate, Parliament definitively adopted by 209 votes in favor and 30 votes against. The law project putting an end to emergency regimes created to fight the Covid-19 epidemic. Since August 1, exceptional regimes such as the state of emergency and the management of the health crisis have been repealed.
► Disappearing measures
- Obligation of the health pass in places where it could still be required (hospital, nursing home, etc.)
- Obligation to wear a mask
- Use of confinement and curfew
- Dissolution of the Covid-19 Scientific Council on July 31, 2022 in connection with the end of the state of health emergency regime. Instead, the government plans to create by decree a “committee for monitoring and anticipating health risks”, placed under the ministers of health and research.
► Measures that persist or are in force:
- Travel health certificate. The government can request a negative screening test on boarding towards French territory and for overseas travel. This border test may be required until March 31, 2023 for people over 12 years of age before boarding for French territory in the event of the appearance of a dangerous variant in a country, or in the event of a dangerous variant, it may apply to travelers from overseas territories, or to these regions in the event of a risk of saturation of the local hospital system.
- Prolonged epidemic follow-up. Epidemic monitoring tools remain in place: SI-DEPthe national screening information system which centralizes all test results, is extended until June 30, 2023, and Covid contact, which provides follow-up and support for infected people and their contact cases, is extended until January 31, 2023.
- Reintegration of health personnel. The implementation of a procedure allowing the reintegration of non-vaccinated healthcare personnel in contact with fragile people, as soon as HAS has noted that the vaccination obligation will no longer be medically justified.
What are the measures regarding the 4th dose of Covid vaccine?
In a press release dated July 26, 2022the DGS indicates that the second vaccination booster (4th dose) against Covid-19 is extended:
- to all healthcare professionalsregardless of their age or state of health;
- to all employees in the health and medico-social sector, to home helpers working with vulnerable people, to medical transport professionals, as well as to firefighters, whatever their age, their mode of exercise and their health.
- This second reminder is open to professionals who so wish. It does not fall within the scope of the vaccination obligation.
The over 60s and the most fragile are strongly encouraged to receive their second booster dose. Indeed, both the government and scientists are pleading for a reinforcement of the vaccination of the oldest and most fragile. The HAS recommends extending the administration of an additional booster dose (2nd booster or 4th dose most often) to adults under the age of 60 identified as being at risk of a severe form of Covid-19, pregnant women and hastwo people living in the surrounding area or in regular contact with immunocompromised or vulnerable people.
What are the measures regarding the wearing of the mask?
Everyone must continue to be vigilant. The government strongly advises to wear the mask “when we are in closed spaces, where there are many peopleespecially in the transport“, insists Elisabeth Borne. Wearing a mask will not be the subject of a national obligation measure. “I ask the French to wear a mask on buses, trains and crowded places“, recommends for his part the Minister of Health François Braun on July 8 on France Inter. But “si a new dangerous variant appeared… I’m not saying that we shouldn’t make the mask compulsory again“, he confirms to the Parisian on July 17.
Wearing a mask is no longer compulsory on August 1, 2022 in hospitals (except Paris AP-HP hospitals which maintain the wearing of masks in their establishments) and other health establishments (Ehpad, etc.). It is however strongly recommended :
- for everyone, in closed spaces, where there are many people, such as public transport, stations, large gatherings… The government strongly advises wearing the mask “when we are in closed spaces, where there are many peopleespecially in the transportation”.
- for all those at risk to develop a serious form of the disease (+65 years old, +80 years old), in particular in crowded places and for everyone on public transport.
What are the measures for the health pass in France?
August 1, 2022 marked the end of the health pass in Francein places where it was still required such as in hospitals, in nursing homes…
What is the protocol for Covid in August 2022 in France?
To date, “we test ourselves if we have symptoms, we isolate ourselves if we are positive and we wear the mask in places where there is too much proximity or too many people” reminded the former Minister of Health Brigitte Bourguignon on June 23, 2022. In the context of summer holidays and activities conducive to an increase in the transmission of the virus, compliance with combined measures remains essential to protect the most vulnerable populations. vulnerable and it is essential, insists Public Health France:
- to be up to date with their vaccination against COVID-19
- self-isolate if symptomatic and of positive test for COVID-19
- to apply barrier gestures: wearing a mask in the presence of fragile people or in the event of crowding in closed spaces (public transport, large gatherings, etc.) and strengthening hand washing. In the event of very high temperatures, the ventilation of enclosed places must be limited to the coolest hours of the day.
Wearing a mask | Sanitary pass | Case contacts | Vaccination |
| Contact cases must always be tested but must no longer isolate themselves even if they are not vaccinated against Covid. |
A person in contact with a person tested positive for Covid-19 must be notified by the positive case or by Health Insurance (by SMS or by telephone). There are no more isolation instructions for contact cases and the test instructions are the same regardless of your vaccination status. Nevertheless, the contact case must carry out a screening test (RT-PCR or antigen test or self-test) 2 days after being notified by Health Insurance or by the positive person.
What Covid protocol at school for the 2022-2023 school year?
A health protocol for the 2022-2023 school year was presented on July 12 to teachers’ unions. As detailed in SNALCthe new Covid protocol is simplified:
- 3 levels of action in the event of an epidemic,
- a period of 10 days for the implementation of the transition from one level to another,
- the rules for wearing a mask at school and contact tracing (contact case) aligned with those of the general population
- brewing will be prohibited only in the 1st degree in the canteen in levels 2 and 3.
- simplification of the rules for adapting outdoor sports activities.
Covid-19: International travel, Ministry of the Interior.