Boosts testosterone levels: Run to the nearest herbalist! The formula is there

Boosts testosterone levels Run to the nearest herbalist The formula

More than 95 percent of testosterone, the most important male sex hormone, is produced in the testicles, and six to seven milligrams are secreted each day. Men with high testosterone have high sex drive and prefer to take risks. High hormone levels also lead to more aggressive and irritable behavior, more acne and oily skin, as well as health problems such as sleep apnea.


Those with low testosterone can raise their levels by eating certain foods. New research has found that spicy foods can be particularly helpful in boosting testosterone levels. Here’s what you need to know.

A study published in the National Library of Medicine investigated the eating behavior of spicy foods and its link with endogenous testosterone.


During the studies, there was no improvement in those who ate salty foods, while men who preferred spicy foods had increased testosterone levels.

It has been observed that it especially reacts to spices such as capsaicin-containing paprika, ginger and curry.

Of course, the key to the most delicious meals is spices… Click here for a variety of fresh and natural spices. click!
