MC driver dead after collision with police

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A 55-year-old motorcyclist has died after colliding with a police car near Fjärdhundra in Enköping municipality.

It was just before 8 pm on Wednesday that the police received an alert about a motorcycle driver who was suspected of being under the influence of alcohol. Shortly afterwards, a police patrol caught sight of the driver, and then tried to stop him.

– The driver chooses not to stop. A chase then begins, which you then choose to stop immediately in principle, for safety reasons, and instead follow at a distance, says police spokesperson Magnus Jansson Klarin.

The driver turns onto a county road just outside Enköping and shortly afterwards the man collides with another police car.

The motorcycle rider was very badly injured and was taken to hospital where he later died from his injuries. The matter is now being investigated as negligence in traffic and serious drunken driving. Both the police car and the motorcycle have been seized. A preliminary investigation into the actions of the police in connection with the incident has also been launched. There are currently no suspects.

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