The US approves Sweden’s NATO application

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Facts: Sweden’s and Finland’s application to NATO

Countries that approved Sweden’s and Finland’s applications:

Albania, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Montenegro, Netherlands, North Macedonia, Norway, Poland, Romania, Slovenia, United Kingdom, USA.

Countries not yet approved:

Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, Turkey.

Source: Government of Finland, and others

After a debate lasting over three hours, the American senators voted yes to ratify Sweden’s and Finland’s applications to join the NATO defense alliance. The message came shortly after midnight during the night towards Thursday, Swedish time.

Ann Linde describes it as a “great success”.

— It is the largest and most important country in NATO, so of course it plays a big role. Now there are only seven countries left that have not ratified, it has never gone so quickly, she says.

“Very satisfactory”

The foreign minister emphasizes that a lot of work was required, where diplomats and ministers as well as Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson (S) visited the USA.

– We have underlined how important it was, given the extremely tense security political situation in our immediate area, that there was a rapid ratification, says Linde.

— The fact that they decided to do the ratification process at record speed feels very, very satisfying.

The countries’ two US ambassadors, Karin Olofsdotter and Mikko Hautala, were invited to follow the process directly in the Senate.

A few Republican senators had announced in advance that they did not intend to vote yes, but otherwise support has always been strong among Democrats and Republicans in both chambers.

“National Security Success”

Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell has been clear in his support, visiting both countries in May. Ahead of Wednesday’s vote, he stressed the importance of voting yes.

— Their entry will make NATO stronger and America safer, he said when he spoke in the Senate.

“This is a national security hit that deserves unanimous support from both parties.

Several of the politicians highlighted both countries as robust democracies with strong economies and modern defense forces.

Democrat Amy Klobuchar called a yes vote a “warning shot to tyrants around the world,” while Republican Tom Cotton said Sweden and Finland will be “two of the alliance’s strongest members the second they join.”

Sweden meets Turkey

Together with the USA, 23 out of 30 NATO countries have approved Sweden’s and Finland’s application. Among others, Turkey, which opposed the applications for a long time, has not yet said yes.

Sweden and Finland will shortly meet representatives from Turkey within the framework of the agreement regarding NATO between the countries, confirms Ann Linde.

— The agreement includes a mechanism for following up the agreement and how the agreement is to be implemented. That mechanism is to be implemented quite soon, but I am not confirming any dates, says Linde.

TT: At what level does it take place?

— The same as the negotiations had previously been. That is, state secretaries and various officials from different parts of the Swedish and Finnish government offices and the Turkish one, says Ann Linde.

TT: What are your expectations?

– Both Sweden and Finland have been careful that we honor the agreement and we intend to do so as well.
