Accused of attempted murder in Klockaretorpet

Accused of attempted murder in Klockaretorpet

Published: Less than 20 min ago

full screen A man is charged with attempted murder at the Norrköping district court. Archive image. Photo: Henrik Montgomery/TT

A man in his 30s is charged with attempted murder of a man in his 45s in the Klockaretorpet district in Norrköping, reports SVT Nyheter.

According to the indictment, the suspected perpetrator must have stabbed the other man in the back with a knife.

The incident occurred one evening in April earlier this year. The victim was found badly injured outside and taken to hospital with serious injuries. He was cared for for a time at Vrinnevis Hospital’s intensive care unit, according to SVT.

The accused man denies any wrongdoing.
