the authorities harden the tone against Monusco

the authorities harden the tone against Monusco

Meetings are increasing in the DRC after security incidents and anti-Monusco demonstrations. The latest was held overnight from Monday to Tuesday around Felix Tshisekedi. The presidents of the two chambers of parliament, the Prime Minister and a few ministers were associated to take stock of the situation.

With our correspondent in Kinshasa, Patient Ligodi

The discourse is now much more offensive on the part of the Congolese authorities. During last Friday’s council meeting, Felix Tshisekedi remained measured. He recalled that the DRC had a long cooperative relationship with Monusco, dotted with ” chess often mentioned, but also by many successes. The Congolese head of state seemed to stick to the plan for the gradual and staggered withdrawal of Monusco by 2024, which moreover had been the subject of exchanges with the number two of the UN Jean- Pierre Lacroix.

But during tonight’s meeting, a milestone was reached. Felix Tshisekedi officially asked the government to organize a meeting with MONUSCO to reassess this agreed UN mission withdrawal plan. The date and the various other contours of this meeting have not been revealed at this stage.

In the meantime, the army and the police have been deployed around the bases of the UN mission in certain towns in eastern DRC to prevent further damage in the event of new demonstrations.

On the Monusco side, we are sticking so far to the transition plan that was agreed under the United Nations Security Council resolution.

► To read also: After the deadly shootings of Monusco, the UN and Kinshasa temporize before acting
