End of the health pass in France: August 1, hospital, travel

End of the health pass in France August 1 hospital

The end of the state of health emergency in France is accompanied by the end of the health pass from August 1, 2022. It is therefore no longer compulsory in the hospital. And to travel abroad? What validity? How to recover it easily?

[Mis à jour le 1er août 2022 à 10h55] The health pass was part of the daily devices of the French. August 1stthe end of the state of health emergency in France is accompanied by the end of the health pass in France. Theoretically, the health pass is not replaced by any device. But in fact, a slightly similar device was described in the text voted by parliamentarians: travel health certificate. As the name suggests, it is all about travel.

When does the health pass end in France?

Following the final vote of the Senate, Parliament definitively adopted on July 26 the bill putting an end to the emergency regimes created to fight against the Covid-19 epidemic. Thus the health pass ends in France from the August 1, 2022. It can no longer be required in places where it was still in force (health and medico-social services and establishments).

Is the health pass replaced by the travel health certificate?

Theoretically, the health pass is not replaced by any device. In fact, a slightly similar device was described in the text voted by parliamentarians: travel health certificate. As the name suggests, this device is only for travel. As of August 1, 2022, the government can request a negative screening test on boarding towards French territory and for overseas travel. This border test may be required untilas of March 31, 2023 to people over 12 years old before boarding for French territory:

  • For travelers coming from a foreign country where a new variant of Covid is circulating,
  • For trips to overseas communities “in the event of a risk of saturation” of their health system (hospitals, etc.).

Do I need a health pass to go to the hospital?

As of August 1, 2022, the health pass is no longer required in health and medico-social services and establishments for people accompanying or visiting to people accommodated in these services and establishments. The health pass is also not required in the emergency rooms of hospitals and clinics or to carry out a screening test. Nor is it required to access medico-social establishments and services for children, or independent residences.

Do you need a health pass to enter a retirement home?

From August 1, 2022, the health pass is no longer required for people aged 12 and over (accompanying persons, visitors) at the entrance to the retirement homes, EHPADS and establishments for the disabled.

Do you (still) need a health pass to travel?

To travel freely and safely this summer within the European Union, the health pass is European (no pass to travel within French territory). This pass has been in effect since July 1, 2021. A QR code present on the French health pass can be read anywhere in Europe, directly in the TousAntiCovid application or in paper format, in French and English. It is valid in all countries of the European Union without exception as well as in Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Iceland, Norway, Monaco and Andorra and for Overseas. If the “EU digital Covid certificate” provides standardized recognition of health status, each country remains responsible for its own entry rules, which are not standardized at European Union level. This means that‘you must find out in advance about the rules of entry into force in your country of destination. Consult the list of countries who can issue and verify certified evidence in the format of the EU digital anti-Covid certificate.

For countries that require it : passengers on planes, trains or boats, over the age of 12 must present a valid European health pass, either:

  • A proof of vaccinationproving a complete vaccination schedule: since February 1, 2022, in order for their vaccination schedule to remain recognized as complete, people aged 18 or over wishing to enter the national territory must have received a dose of complementary messenger RNA vaccine no later than 9 months following the injection of the last required dosecan we read on the Ministry of the Interior website.
  • A negative PCR test less than 72 hours or a antigen test less than 24 hours, Self-tests carried out under the supervision of a pharmacist are recognized as proof for the health pass, but not in the context of border crossings between countries, within the European Union in particular.
  • A certificate of reinstatement of Covid-19, valid from the 11th day after the first positive test for a total period of 180 days.

These documents can be presented in the form of the European health certificate, in digital or paper format. Passengers on air connections are exempt from these formalities, as are children under 12 years of age.

Definition: what is the health pass?

the sanitary pass is a document (paper or digital) which entered into force in France on August 9, 2021 in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. This device is proof:

  • either the vaccination certificateon condition that people have a complete vaccination schedule (including the 3rd dose (or booster) of vaccine for those over 18)
  • either a negative RT-PCR, antigen or self-test performed under the supervision of a healthcare professional less than 24 hours maximum.
  • either a positive RT-PCR or antigenic test attesting to the recovery of Coviddating back at least 11 days. Its validity period ranges from 4 months to more depending on the case. For example, a person positive for Covid 3 months or more after having received their two doses of vaccines Covid has a unlimited reinstatement certificate.

A medical certificate attesting to a medical contraindication to vaccination can serve as a health pass.

How to get your health pass?

To retrieve a health pass, it all depends on the health proof chosen:

  • Vaccination certificate: just scan the QR code to import it and store it locally, in your phone, with TousAntiCovid;
  • RT-PCR and antigen tests : they generate proof as soon as the result is entered by the healthcare professional in SI-DEP, which can be printed directly and which is also made available to the patient via an email and an SMS to pick it up on the SI-DEP portal. On TousAntiCovid, the import of the proof into the application is done by the patient: from the document in paper or PDF format from SI-DEP and which accompanies the test result, by scanning the QR code on the left on the document ; by clicking on the link in the SI-DEP portal, which allows you to directly import the test result into TousAntiCovid;
  • The process to retrieve proof of a positive test, also called Certificate of Reinstatementis the same as for negative tests via SI-DEP.

How to get your health pass on Ameli?

On the Health Insurance website (Ameli.fr) it is possible to download your vaccination certificate which can serve as a health pass, when the vaccination schedule is complete. For that it is necessary :

  • Go on https://attestation-vaccin.ameli.fr/
  • Identify with France Connect
  • The vaccination certificate can then be downloaded in PDF format. It can be added to the phone by scanning the QR Code on the sheet from the TousAntiCovid application.

Test results are not available on the Ameli website but only proof of vaccination.

  • RT-PCR and antigen tests : they generate proof as soon as the result is entered by the healthcare professional in SI-DEP, which can be printed directly and which is also made available to the patient via an email and an SMS to pick it up on the SI-DEP portal. On TousAntiCovid, the import of the proof into the application is done by the patient: from the document in paper or PDF format from SI-DEP and which accompanies the test result, by scanning the QR code on the left on the document ; by clicking on the link in the SI-DEP portal, which allows you to directly import the test result into TousAntiCovid;
  • The process to retrieve proof of a positive test, also called proof of “recovery”is the same as for negative tests via SI-DEP.

What to do if the health pass is deactivated?

To have a valid health pass, you must:

  • Have a complete primary vaccination schedule for at least 7 days;
  • Have had your booster dose if you are eligible (4 months max after the previous dose for over 18s).
  • Present a negative PCR or antigen test less than 24 hours.
  • Present a positive PCR or antigen test attesting to recovery from Covid-19, dating back at least 11 days and less than 4 months for adults
  • The self-tests carried out under the supervision of a pharmacist are recognized as proof for the “sanitary pass”, but not in the context of border crossings between countries, within the European Union in particular.
  • Present a medical certificate attesting to a medical contraindication to vaccination

In other words, the sanitary pass is deactivated if you do not meet one of these conditions. In this case, you must complete your vaccination schedule, which will give rise to a new QR Code to be scanned in TousAntiCovid to reactivate the health pass. Or do a negative screening test valid for 24 hours.

A complete vaccination schedule understand the fact ofhave received all doses for the initial vaccination (1 or 2 doses depending on the case) for more than 7 days (AstraZeneca, Pfizer, Moderna) or more than 28 days (Janssen) and dhaving received the booster dose (under 4 months) if you are an adult.

Sources: Update on the health pass, Gouvernement.fr / Everything you need to know about the health pass, Service-public.fr
