New Zealand completely lifted Covid restrictions and opened its borders after nearly 2.5 years

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New Zealand, one of the first countries to close its borders in March 2020 due to Covid-19, did not open its borders to foreigners except for a short-term travel permit with Australia.

New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said in a statement today that this is a very important step, but keeping people safe is a priority as the world is still struggling with the pandemic.

Most visitors to New Zealand will be required to be fully vaccinated and will need to take two tests upon arrival. However, there will be no quarantine practices as of today.

In this context, restrictions will be lifted for those who need a visa to enter New Zealand and those who normally live in the country on a student visa.

Educational institutions foresee the revival of schools and universities in the country with the opening of the borders and this will be very beneficial to the country’s economy.

Speaking to state broadcaster RNZ, Simon Sanders of the New Zealand Immigration Agency said: “We do not expect to return to pre-pandemic levels immediately. “There are still many restrictions in place in China, so there won’t be a big move from there in the first place,” he said.

The authorities also stated that the ports will be opened to the use of large cruise ships and yachts, which were previously banned.

New Zealand Tourism Minister Stuart Nash said this decision will have a huge impact on local industries.

Nash said, “Cruise ships usually visit between the warmer months of October-April. The summer season is, of course, our most successful season. Our hope is that the industry will work very efficiently from now on.”

According to John Hopkins University data, which tracks and ranks the daily number of Covid-19 cases in the world, New Zealand is currently in seventh place.

The University of Auckland, on the other hand, stated in a study published last week that opening the borders could cause Covid-19 cases to quadruple.
