Truck with pigs off the road

Truck with pigs off the road

Published: Less than 40 min ago

full screen A veterinarian is to examine the pigs affected by the accident. Archive image. Photo: Johan Nilsson/TT

A truck with about 50 pigs has driven off the road and overturned on national highway 52 in Kumla. Police and emergency services have been called to the scene.

– There are no injuries and as for the animals, a veterinarian is on the way to see to the animals’ well-being, says police spokesperson Lars Hedelin.

The pigs are kept in the overturned truck until the vet arrives.

– This must be done very orderly, otherwise it can become a dilemma, says Lars Hedelin.

The police do not suspect any crime in connection with the accident. The Swedish Transport Administration estimates that the accident will affect traffic until 10:00.
