In South Africa, the African National Congress saves face

In South Africa the African National Congress saves face

The party in power in South Africa since 1994 debated its political program in Johannesburg. Two thousand delegates from the nine provinces of the country discussed the reforms to be carried out for the country and the transformations to be made within the presidential party.

With our correspondent in Johannesburg, Roman Song

“You thought you were witnessing our self-destruction, you saw our union”: this is what the ANC militants repeated to the 450 accredited members of the press.

The historic party is weaker than ever, plagued by rival factions, corruption cases and massive voter loss. Highly contested in some provinces, the head of state Cyril Ramaphosa did not however suffer during these three days of conference the opposition that observers anticipated. The interested party is also pleased. “ The conference sent a clear message to our members, our supporters and the people of this country: despite our difficulties, despite our shortcomings, the ANC is still alive “, did he declare.

The young people of the party are less enthusiastic than the president. Tlangi Mogale acknowledges the good performance of the conference, but she fears the inaction of the ANC executives. ” These last ten years have not made it possible to implement all the measures that we wanted. We appreciate our leaders, but we have the impression that they do not make enough efforts to apply the measures that we adopt “, she explains.

For these recommendations to materialize, they will have to be voted on at the elective conference in December. This is when the party should come into turmoil. President Ramaphosa will play his chair there.
