(Finance) – The forecast of ceilings applicable to rates access e circulation of the bus in urban ZTLs, in relation to polluting emissions and types of permits, it constitutes a first important step for an overall rationalization of the system of withdrawals to be paid by collective tourist and scheduled road transport. This is the positive opinion of Nicola CookiesPresident of ANAV, an association of Confindustria which brings together companies from all segments of bus transport.
“We evaluate positively – he declared Nicola Biscotti – approval by the DL Infrastructures of a standard, supported by all parliamentary forces and by the Deputy Minister of Sustainable Infrastructure and Mobility Alexander Morellilong hoped for and urged by ANAV, which finally removes the determination of the amount of the “ticket”For the access of tourist and scheduled buses to urban centers. Over the years, the absence of clear regulation has allowed the proliferation of a very complex, cumbersome and above all onerous system of withdrawals throughout the national territory, in large as well as in small cities, which, as we have always denounced, represented a strong obstacle to the development of mobility tourist collective on the road and for the country’s tourism industry “.
“Especially in this delicate phase of restart after theCovid emergency – continues Biscotti – we trust, in a prompt definition of the ministerial directive which will have to set the maximum thresholds of pricing applicable to buses, hopefully in a uniform manner at national level and non-discriminatory with respect to other modes of collective transport, taking into due consideration the efforts made by companies for the renewal of parks and the improvement of standard environmental services. In this sense we are ready to offer our collaboration and our contribution of experience in the appropriate institutional settings “.
Biscotti recalls, then, the constant and pressing I commit of ANAV in all institutional settings, including at European level and in court, for a solution of the question that, while taking into account the need of local administrations to regulate traffic in urban centers, recognize and value the contribution of the bus to the solution of traffic problems and the environmental sustainability of transport.
Finally, Biscotti highlights how the “ticket bus” theme involves today beyond 40 Italian municipalitiesa unicum at European level, for an annual revenue which – in the absence of regulation – touches the threshold of about 100 million euros with a significant impact on the total costs of transport companies.